• Thanks Patrick and Jeff.

    I recreated the data source and specify comma as delimiter, I've attached the data source file here for your convenience.

    The data source file is generated this way from AdventureWorks2008:

    /****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/

    SELECT TOP 1000 [BusinessEntityID]
















    FROM [AdventureWorks2008].[HumanResources].[Employee]

    In SSMS, specify output to file and specify using comma as delimiter in query options, when saving, specify .csv as the file extension.

    I tried using this to do bcp import:

    bcp AdventureWorks2008.dbo.Employees in C:\Data\EmployeeDataCommaDelimited.csv -c -t, -S -T -e c:\data\Error.txt

    I got error of unexpected EOF, I checked the data file and removed the last a few lines saying:

    (290 row(s) affected)

    I still received the same EOF error.

    I also checked the LoginID in line 284, I see no difference other than it contains a French letter, and there are more French letter occurrences and I replaced it with English letter, I still receive same error.

    I will try format file later and report my finding soon.

    Thanks lots.