Report never stops loading, Out of Memory Error

  • I have a report that uses three tables from a database. As long as I only use two of the tables, it runs fine. I need the data from the third table for a line chart. So of course there is a great deal of data in the third table. I have a where clause for start date and end date. Is there a way I could only search the third table after I know what I need from it? Or does someone have a better solution to this problem?

  • Do you have any DDL/Sample data for the three tables in question?

    Can you post the query plan for the ad-hoc SQL or Stored proc that drives this report?

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Here is the query:



    MovementAlarms.HEAT_IDX AS Expr1, MovementAlarms.ALARM_DURATION, ChartData.HEAT_IDX AS Expr2, ChartData.SAMPLE_TIME,



    MovementAlarms ON HeatData.HEAT_IDX = MovementAlarms.HEAT_IDX INNER JOIN

    ChartData ON MovementAlarms.HEAT_IDX = ChartData.HEAT_IDX


    I will work on getting the data sample.

    Thank You for any help.

  • Data Sample

    Heat Data Table

    ( HeatIdx, int, not null

    HeatNumber, varchar(10), null

    FurnaceIdx, int, null

    TurnDate, datetime,null

    PourStartTime, datetime, null

    PourDuration, varchar(10), null


    Movement Alarm Table

    (HeatIdx, int, not null

    AlarmStartTime, datetime, null

    AlarmDuration, float, null


    Chart Data Table

    (HeatIdx, int, not null

    SampleTime, datetime, null

    FurnaceAngle, float, null


    I hope this is what you are requesting. I am new to forums.

  • What I was hoping for is a way to search the Heat Data and Movement Alarm tables first. That would tell me which Chart Data information I would need. I only have to produce line charts for heats with a percentage of 15 and higher, which is determined using the Heat Data and Movement Alarm tables.

  • I found the solution. In case anyone else has this problem go to

  • mballentine (10/3/2014)

    I found the solution. In case anyone else has this problem go to

    Thanks for posting that ddl and other info. Sorry I did not reply sooner; if not for the fact that I'm flying back home I would have replied sooner. Thanks for posting the solution you found, I wish more people did that.


    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

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