Home Forums Data Warehousing Integration Services My SSIS import from Excel package works from my PC, does not from Server RE: My SSIS import from Excel package works from my PC, does not from Server

  • Vic Rauch-303403 (10/2/2014)

    You need to get yourself a good contact in IT who has the power to work through this with you!

    I agree with that 100% Problem is I'm a contractor and working for a "step-child" type of department. No one in this company is to have their "own" IT people, and that is just what our little group of 3 people are. We have Access databases (2 very good sized ones) with SQL as the backend database and are saving the company big bucks is why they are able to get away with having their "own" IT department. But it does look like we are going to get this escalated pretty soon. The bosses are getting tired, as am I, of getting so close, but still no complete success.

    Again, thanks for your help, it has been very encouraging!

    You've probably already considered this, but just in case you haven't ...

    All of your (technical) problems would almost certainly evaporate if you were to switch your source file to pipe-delimited text files rather than using Excel. If that's an option, I recommend it.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.