SSIS package has two separate Excel to SQL table imports, 2nd doesn't work

  • I am trying to import data from two separate Excel files into two separate SQL Server tables. When I first was working this this I had the "Employee" data as the first import and the 2nd import "OtherData" did not work. This new attempt to write a SSIS package to import this data, I have the "OtherData" as the first import and "Employee" data as the second import. Now the "Employee" import fails. The message I get is that the file is "already opened in exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view and write its data."

    Yes, I have tried Google and found nothing about two imports in a row using Excel where the second one fails.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]Vic[/font]

  • Vic Rauch-303403 (9/30/2014)

    The message I get is that the file is "already opened in exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view and write its data."

    At the risk of stating the obvious, the error message seems pretty clear. Have you double and triple-checked that the Excel file is not currently opened by you or anybody else or another process (such as SSIS)? Do you definitely have separate Excel files and not separate worksheets within the same worksheet?



  • Have I checked to be sure no one else is in the Excel file? Actually I had Windows Explorer open to the very folder the TWO Excel files are in. They are the only files in that folder, and when one of those Excel files is opened by someone, anyone or anything, another file will also open that has two characters preceding the real file name. I assume this is a "locking" file. Those two characters are: "~$" When I am testing my SSIS package, I watch this folder to be sure no one else has either of these files open. I have found out the problem was a permissions problem. That has been fixed, but the package still does not work when executed from the Catalog on the Server. That question is in a new post.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]Vic[/font]

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