• -- Since group allocation must take place sequentially row by row, your good options

    -- are quite limited. This solution uses a recursive CTE, you could also consider the

    -- Quirky Update, probably the fastest method, or a cursor.

    -- Performance will be horrible unless you have an existing column which models rn in "OrderedSet",

    -- or you can add one. You will need an index on it too.

    ;WITH OrderedSet AS (


    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [caller], callee, localtime),


    FROM test


    rCTE AS (

    SELECT tr.*, grp = 1

    FROM OrderedSet tr

    WHERE rn = 1


    SELECT tr.*,

    grp = CASE

    WHEN tr.[caller] = lr.[caller] AND tr.callee = lr.callee

    AND DATEDIFF(SECOND, lr.localtime, tr.localtime ) <= 1 THEN lr.grp

    ELSE lr.grp+1 END

    FROM rCTE lr

    INNER JOIN OrderedSet tr

    ON tr.rn = lr.rn+1


    SELECT r.*,

    filter = CASE

    WHEN x.minsid = 2 AND x.maxsid = 6 AND r.s_id = 2 THEN 1

    WHEN x.minsid = 6 AND r.s_id = 6 THEN 1

    WHEN x.minsid = 2 AND x.maxsid = 2 AND r.s_id = 2 THEN 1


    FROM rCTE r


    SELECT minsid = MIN(ri.s_id), maxsid = MAX(ri.s_id)

    FROM rCTE ri

    WHERE ri.grp = r.grp

    AND ri.s_id IN (2,6)

    ) x


    -- Here's how not to do it: a query which resolves the group number but uses a "triangular join".

    -- For each and every row in the set, the whole set up to that point (rn) is scanned.

    -- Horrible if you have anything except a very small number of rows.

    ;WITH OrderedSet AS (


    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [caller], callee, localtime),


    FROM test


    MarkedSet AS (

    SELECT tr.*, Marker = ISNULL(x.Marker,1)

    FROM OrderedSet tr


    SELECT Marker = 0

    FROM OrderedSet lr

    WHERE lr.rn + 1 = tr.rn

    AND lr.[caller] = tr.[caller]

    AND lr.callee = tr.callee

    AND DATEDIFF(SECOND, lr.localtime, tr.localtime ) <= 1

    ) x


    SELECT *

    FROM MarkedSet m


    SELECT grp = SUM(Marker)

    FROM MarkedSet pr

    WHERE pr.rn <= m.rn

    ) x

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden