How to use the ReportDataSource in a report viewer control

  • Hi I am using a reportviewer control in visual studio 2012 and I want to reset the datasource of the report viewer, but I can't figure out the right name value combination:

    The Datasource in my .rdlc is "RF" and the Dataset in the .rdlc is "dsTotalOrderCalls"

    I have an Objectdatasource ID: "odsSales" and a type name: "RapidFire.RFTableAdapters.USP_TOTAL_ORDERCALLSTableAdapter"

    that is referring to a table adeapter in an .xsd (dataset) that is calling a stored procedure called "USP_TOTAL_ORDERCALLS" and returning a data table called: "USP_TOTAL_ORDERCALLSDataTable"

    When I try to open a new instance of the reportdatasource ie,

    rv_SalesSC.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("dsTotalOrdersCalls", odsSalesSC));

    I receive an error message saying:

    Cannot create a connection to data source 'RF'

    Can someone help me understand what values go into instantiating a new reportdatasource object?

    Thank you!!!

  • my stored proc was producing an error based on the parameters I was sending it, I was able to instantiate the object using: rv_SalesSC.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("dsTotalOrdersCalls", odsSalesSC)); which is the name of my .rdlc dataset and the ObjectDataSource ID value

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