• winston Smith (8/26/2014)

    Finally, if it doesn't return what you expect, can you provide an online source which shows that what you are expecting to see isn't just a wish.

    if i could find that, i wouldnt have needed to post here asking the question!

    What I am sure of is that I have used SQL Server instances plenty of times that return/store dates in dd-mm-yyyy, yet despite my efforts this server insists on using the format yyyy-mm-dd.

    Are you sure that your SSMS is not formatting the date value for you?

    This is how the date looks on all my North American servers in SSMS, no matter they be Canadian or US.

    Other clients and applications work of the regional settings. This was a per system setting.

    Then with windows XP it became a per user setting. Starting with windows Vista each application can have it's one regional settings it can use.

    Check all three since that is what determines what you see on your screen.

    Any more than that and I would need to see some create database and create table statements with the "Malfunctioning" date field statement highlighted.