• You may ran this query,

    Just change the name of the table: [dbo].[VB8_DA] with yours.

    or call it from SSRS

    create Procedure dbo.VendorReport

    (@VendorOrders varchar(10),

    @LimitToTopParameter int,

    @Flag int




    --if @Flag=1 mean NULL checkbox checked

    declare @SQL nvarchar(max)

    declare @SQLtop nvarchar(max)

    if isnull(@LimitToTopParameter, 0)>0 and @Flag = 1


    print ' You cannot use both LimitToTopParameter and Checkbox checked as same time'



    --If I select Top in that , then i should enter "Limit to top parameter" parameter value is 10 or give any value then

    --should display 10 or given value rows of Top or

    If (@VendorOrders='Top' and isnull(@LimitToTopParameter, 0)>0 and @Flag <> 1)

    begin set @VendorOrders='' end

    --If i select Top in that , then i was not entered any value then i checked check box is null it should returns for Descending order of the data

    else If (@VendorOrders='Top' and isnull(@LimitToTopParameter, 0)=0 and @Flag = 1)

    begin set @VendorOrders='Desc' end

    --If i select Bottom then i should enter "Limit to top parameter" parameter value is 10 or give any value then should display the Bottom 10 or given values rows of Bottom to the data set.

    If (@VendorOrders='Bottom' and isnull(@LimitToTopParameter, 0)>0 and @Flag <> 1)

    begin set @VendorOrders='Desc' end

    --If i select Bottom in that , then i was not entered any value then i checked check box is null it should returns for Ascending order of the data.

    else If (@VendorOrders='Bottom' and isnull(@LimitToTopParameter, 0)=0 and @Flag = 1)

    begin set @VendorOrders='Asc' end

    if @LimitToTopParameter is null

    begin set @SQLtop='' end


    begin Set @SQLtop='TOP '+cast(@LimitToTopParameter as varchar(100)) end

    set @sql='SELECT '+@SQLtop+' * FROM [dbo].[VB8_DA] order by 1 '+@VendorOrders

    print @SQL

    exec sp_executeSQL @SQl


    exec dbo.VendorReport 'Top' , 10, 0

    exec dbo.VendorReport 'Top' , NULL , 1

    exec dbo.VendorReport 'bottom' , 10, 0

    exec dbo.VendorReport 'bottom' , NULL, 1