Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Difference between INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS and sys.columns RE: Difference between INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS and sys.columns<!-- 864 -->

  • djj (8/21/2014)

    Lynn Pettis (8/21/2014)

    Just an FYI, I prefer the system views to the information_schema views as there is more information contained in them. Also, information_schema views aren't that portable. They don't even exist in Oracle.

    Thank you for the reply. Since we are a small shop, this code will not be ported, we only use SQL Server and we only need the one bit of information.

    This post originated from my using the system views and the reviewer suggesting information_schema as he is old school.

    I am just trying to learn about what I am using.:-)

    Then I would continue learning and using the system views. As your information needs expand you will be glad you did.