resourcedb object id appears in blocked processes trace

  • Hi Folks,

    Appreciate any ideas on this unusual problem. I'm trying to track down details about blocking, specifically the lead blocker. I have a SQL Trace in place capturing the blocked processes event. The lead blocking process is originating from another sql sever- it's a linked server call. The blocking process details in the trace shows the input buffer like this:

    Proc [Database Id = 32767 Object Id = 746401494]

    I know the database is the resource database. Any way to know what the object is?

  • answered my own question on this and thought I'd share in case the next guy who comes along is trying to figure it out. I took the server offline, copied the mdf and ldf files for resource db to another directory, renamed the files and attached as a database called "test". I could then select from sys.objects and found the object_id is sp_releaseschemalock.

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