• Hi, u need to verify your SQL Server full text searching is properly working or not.

    On your sql server click start-> All Programs-> Microsoft SQL Server->Enterprise Manager

    Expand the Microsoft Server node in left panel

    Then Expand the database node.

    Right click on the Northwind database->New then click New Full-Text Catalog. (if northwind database is not available then u can use other available database.)

    Then on the Name Window type name for catalog use like “test” then click Ok.

    Double click Full-Text Catalogs on right panel.

    The u can check your listed full-text catalog. If catalog was created without any errors then full-text searching is working properly if there are errors then while creating this catalog then there is error. The SQL Server Full-Text service must be working before creating catalogs.

    After that verified created catalog whether it is created successfully or not then u can delete test catalog.

    Delete the catalog by right clicking on it. Then click yes.