• ba.saidou (7/31/2014)

    The goal here is to calculate a UPH of an activity, the activity is considered picking materials.

    The issues I am running into is that as long the users are continuously performing the picking without interruption I can calculate their UPH based on the total units picked divided by the hour but when I have a user who only performed a single activity for the hour it throws my numbers off. I believe by converting the time to decimal this will eliminate the issue.

    Based on that I am expecting a (8.266666667) Result number.


    So what you really want is to look at the time portion. Keep the hours as is and make the minutes a decimal? Seems pretty strange but whatever.

    This should do it.

    declare @UPH datetime = '2014-07-29 08:16:31.000'

    select cast(DATEPART(hour, @UPH) as varchar(2)) + '.' + stuff(cast(DATEPART(minute, @UPH) / 60.0 as varchar(10)), 1, 2, '')


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