• Greg Edwards-268690 (7/29/2014)

    Winter and Road Construction.

    In Minnesota, there is a pothole season too.

    Plenty of time here too, although I'd venture to say someone taking in the whole Thread might take a bit more time than just the posts here.

    It is easy to get sidetracked into other threads which spawned some of these cooler comments.

    Or into calculating the velocity of the famed European Swallow, or terminal velocity of some of Jeff's weapons cache.

    I can see a day when PASS has a Thread Jeopardy Contest.

    Quote and who said it first, or fill in the missing word.

    In Bangkok we have 3 seasons: hot, rainy and cool, the last of which is grossly misnamed.

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
    [url url=http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/St