Merging XML Variables Like a Table Join

  • Hi All,

    I have several stored procedures that will query tables and return xml data. I would like to join these returned xml pieces into one large xml file, but I'm having trouble merging them all together at the correct hierarchical levels. It may be that I have set off down the wrong road and need to be moved onto another, but here is what I am trying to do at the moment:

    One procedure will return the top level information into an xml variable (@TopLevel as demonstrated in the first example below), going down to bottom level of StoreNumber. All other procedures will create an xml variable with a top level of StoreNumber and then levels below that, group by group (in the example, Employees going into @EmployeeInfo, but there are other groups, like maybe @addressInfo and @TakingsInfo and the list will keep changing depending on a set of parametrised requirements).

    So here is what @TopLevel might look like:






















    and the @EmployeeInfo might look like this:




























    so my question is this - how would I combine these two bits of xml into something that looks like this:








































    I had envisioned that the combining would be done by an master procedure, which would check some configuration table and would include the sub-store level details only as required.

    If I were dealing with tables, I would join the @Toplevel table to the @EmployeeInfo table on @Toplevel.StoreNumber = @EmployeeInfo.StoreNumber - is there an equivalent method in xml? Given that I have created the xml from tables in the first place, I don't really want to convert the information back into tables to make the join - it seems good to me that each sub-store level is separated into a different procedure as it keeps everything discrete and tidy, but maybe this approach is unworkable?

    I have made each bit of xml and have them all waiting here, but I just can't glue them together! Any help much appreciated.

  • Here's an example which might prove useful:

    declare @addinfo xml;

    declare @empinfo xml;

    declare @toplevel xml;

    set @toplevel='<Regions>





















    set @empinfo='<Store>



























    set @addinfo='<Store>



    <Street> 123Main</Street>







    <Street> 123Main</Street>







    <Street> 123Main</Street>




    ;with TopCTE as (

    selectc.value('(../../Name)[1]','varchar(500)') reg,

    c.value('(./StoreNumber)[1]','int') snum,

    c.query('.') Store

    from @toplevel.nodes('/Regions/Region/Stores/Store') X(c)),

    EmpCTE as (


    c.value('(./StoreNumber)[1]','int') snum,

    c.query('./Employees/*') Emp

    from @empinfo.nodes('/Store') X(c)),

    AddCTE as (


    c.value('(./StoreNumber)[1]','int') snum,

    c.query('./Address/*') Addr

    from @addinfo.nodes('/Store') X(c))

    Select TopOut.reg 'Name',

    (Select topIn.snum 'StoreNumber',

    (Select Emp from EmpCTE where topIn.snum=EmpCTE.snum for XML PATH(''), type) 'Employees',

    (Select Addr from AddCTE where topIn.snum=AddCTE.snum for XML PATH(''), type) 'Address'

    from TopCTE topIn where TopOut.reg=topIn.reg

    for XML PATH('Store'), root('Stores'), TYPE)

    from (select distinct reg from topcte) TopOut for XML PATh('Region'), root('Regions')

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Alternatively, a way that might help if the elements to be inserted can vary by each run - using XML.modify to insert the child elements into the TopLevel document.

    Each child XML could easily be included or not by the use of IF statements.

    -- Store the top level xml in a table (variable) so it can be used in an UPDATE statement

    declare @t table(x xml);

    insert @t(x) values(@toplevel);

    --== Add the Employees nodes into the toplevel XML ==--

    -- This requires a loop as xml.modify doesn't allow multiple updates in one batch

    while exists(

    -- check if there are any unprocessed elements in the empinfo xml fragment

    select 1

    from @t

    cross apply x.nodes('//Store') tl(store)

    cross apply (select'(StoreNumber/text())[1]','int')) as store(number)

    cross apply (select @empinfo.query('(//Store[StoreNumber/text()=sql:column("store.number")]/Employees)[1]')) emp(nd)

    where x.exist('(//Store[StoreNumber/text()=sql:column("store.number")]/Employees)[1]')=0


    update top(1) t

    set x.modify('insert sql:column("emp.nd") as last into (//Store[StoreNumber/text()=sql:column("store.number")])[1]')

    from @t AS t

    cross apply x.nodes('//Store') tl(store) -- Process each Store

    cross apply (select'(StoreNumber/text())[1]','int')) as store(number) -- convert the StoreNumber to a non-xml data type

    cross apply (select cast(@empinfo.query('(//Store[StoreNumber/text()=sql:column("store.number")]/Employees)[1]') as xml)) emp(nd) -- find the related Employees for this store

    where x.exist('(//Store[StoreNumber/text()=sql:column("store.number")]/Employees)[1]')=0 -- prevent updates of existing elements

    --== Add the Address nodes into the toplevel XML ==--

    while exists(

    select 1

    from @t

    cross apply x.nodes('//Store') tl(store)

    cross apply (select'(StoreNumber/text())[1]','int')) as store(number)

    cross apply (select [highlight="#ffff11"]@addinfo[/highlight].query('(//Store[StoreNumber/text()=sql:column("store.number")]/[highlight="#ffff11"]Address[/highlight])[1]')) [highlight="#ffff11"]addr[/highlight](nd)

    where x.exist('(//Store[StoreNumber/text()=sql:column("store.number")]/[highlight="#ffff11"]Address[/highlight])[1]')=0


    update top(1) t

    set x.modify('insert sql:column("[highlight="#ffff11"]addr[/highlight].nd") as last into (//Store[StoreNumber/text()=sql:column("store.number")])[1]')

    from @t AS t

    cross apply x.nodes('//Store') tl(store)

    cross apply (select'(StoreNumber/text())[1]','int')) as store(number)

    cross apply (select cast([highlight="#ffff11"]@addinfo[/highlight].query('(//Store[StoreNumber/text()=sql:column("store.number")]/[highlight="#ffff11"]Address[/highlight])[1]') as xml)) [highlight="#ffff11"]addr[/highlight](nd)

    where x.exist('(//Store[StoreNumber/text()=sql:column("store.number")]/[highlight="#ffff11"]Address[/highlight])[1]')=0

    select x from @t

    I have used the test data from Matt's answer, and have sections for Employees and Address.

    Each new section you want to add in is then just a "copy and paste" of an existing section, then edit the highlighted parts (as seen in the Address section of my code).


    select geometry::STGeomFromWKB(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  • Thank you both; I will have a look at the results from each method and see what can be done. Given that both of these methods require a bit of work to convert the xml back out to table structure before recombining, I think I may need to change my approach entirely. Rather than having several procedures all contributing xml to a larger document, it may be more appropriate to prepare my data in several tables and build the xml at the end in a single pass. I will talk with the other guys in the team and we'll see which way is best.

    It has been an education and very helpful

    Thanks again


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