• Chowdary's (7/28/2014)

    Dear Mr.Perry Whittle Thank you for replying,

    I executed the Script against the DB , i got the following

    SpaceUsedMbs, SizeMBs, GrowthAllowed, MaxGrowthSize,Growth and FreeMBs result.But from this result how can i reduce the Size of MDF.

    >Here SpaceUsedMbs, SizeMBs showing as same size (Ex:198Mb)

    >MaxGrowthSize is showing as 198MB (Ex:)

    >Growth is 16Mb (Ex)

    >FreeMBs is showing 0

    Can u pls Explain this as am not able to get the resolution to reduce the MDF size.

    Are you sure you have executed the query against the correct database?

    It's likely you won't be able to shrink the database, it depends on whether its full of data or not.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉