• chris.johnson 1969 (7/28/2014)

    Maybe I'm just being a bit dense but I would rather use the below script to generate instead of relying on the datediff function and working back from today's date... obviously the below has more columns than you would need for explanation - can anyone point out why mine wouldn't be the preferred route?

    --example table with dates to sort by Fin Year and Fin Quarter

    CREATE TABLE #DatesToTest


    TestDate DATE NOT NULL

    ,FinYear VARCHAR(5) NULL

    , FinYearStart DATE NULL

    ,FinQuarter1Start DATE NULL

    ,FinQuarter2Start DATE NULL

    ,FinQuarter3Start DATE NULL

    ,FinQuarter4Start DATE NULL

    ,FinQuarter INT


    INSERT [#DatesToTest]

    ( [TestDate])


    INSERT [#DatesToTest]

    ( [TestDate])

    VALUES ( GETDATE()-365)

    INSERT [#DatesToTest]

    ( [TestDate])

    VALUES ( GETDATE()-180)

    DECLARE @FinYearStart VARCHAR(20)

    SET @FinYearStart = '07-01' -- Use this variable to define the beginning of your financial year

    --PRINT @FinYearStart

    --calculate financial year based off of financial year start date

    SELECT * FROM [#DatesToTest] AS DTT

    UPDATE [#DatesToTest]

    SET [FinYear] = CASE WHEN [TestDate]>=CAST(CAST(YEAR([TestDate]) AS CHAR(4))+'-'+@FinYearStart AS DATE)

    THEN YEAR([TestDate])

    ELSE YEAR([TestDate])-1


    SELECT * FROM [#DatesToTest] AS DTT

    --Set financial year start date into table for easier access and quarter formula

    UPDATE [#DatesToTest]

    SET FinYearStart= CAST([FinYear]+'-'+@FinYearStart AS DATE)

    SELECT * FROM [#DatesToTest] AS DTT

    --set the financial year quarter dates for easy calculations

    UPDATE [#DatesToTest]

    SET [FinQuarter1Start] = [FinYearStart]

    ,[FinQuarter2Start] = DATEADD(MONTH,3,[FinYearStart])

    ,[FinQuarter3Start] = DATEADD(MONTH,6,[FinYearStart])

    ,[FinQuarter4Start] = DATEADD(MONTH,9,[FinYearStart])

    SELECT * FROM [#DatesToTest] AS DTT

    --check which quarter the date falls into

    UPDATE [#DatesToTest]

    SET [FinQuarter] = CASE WHEN [TestDate] >= [FinQuarter4Start] THEN 4

    WHEN [TestDate] >= [FinQuarter3Start] THEN 3

    WHEN [TestDate] >= [FinQuarter2Start] THEN 2

    ELSE 1 END

    SELECT * FROM [#DatesToTest] AS DTT

    --tidy up

    DROP TABLE [#DatesToTest]

    There is case in my situation that only pure SELECT is allowed in the query, not even DECLARE, ORDER, ...