• Was glad to see people admitting they use Access.

    Since Access 97, my preference is to quickly prototype in MS Access.

    Then take the model and convert it into SQL Server.

    Since 1999, taking VB or Access front-end and distributing nationally with Citrix, keeping SQL Server for the back-end has proven profitable. Access when properly designed can support hundres of concurrent users securely.

    Not every application needs to be Web-based available to millions of users.

    There are many mid-size Divisions (30 to 500 users) where business decisions application using a rich front-end interface can be the right approach. In my case, the business rules for compliance, regulations, and data-trending seem to need a tool of this order. The SQL Server itself can concurrently be consumed for Web users in a larger audience.

    It is a real shame that Microsoft has basically dropped Access as a valid development platform.