Search Query Including Security

  • I'm trying to integrate the security settings for our system into the reports and search and its a nightmare trying to fit in all the rules. Could anyone help suggest the best way to do this.

    Basically I have a massive custom search query which I now have filter even further. (see for previous discussions on this query, which I'm currently happy with).

    so we have 6 different types of transactions. each type can have different admins. the search can be done for either 1 type or all types.

    Transactions by default are available to everyone, But there are a few (probably less than 1% of all) that security is enabled which is simply done by added people to the security table.

    each transaction can be see by

    * Everyone If no record found in security table for transaction.

    * If even just one transaction found, the below have permission to view it.

    - Person who raised transaction

    - person currently responsible for it.

    - person currently working on it.

    - everyone in the security table for this transaction.

    - Admins for this Transaction Type.

    So when someone does a search I need to fit all the above. Because I'm building the search query it does make it a little easier to accommodate the various scenarios.

    And I think I have them all EXCEPT

    someone who is trying to search for records under ALL types, but is an admin of just 1 or 2 of the types. Ie they have too be able to see all records for those they are admins for, and then have normal security imposed for the other types of records.

    My current query at the bottom of this post.

    The section near "DECLARE @IsUserAdmin AS BIT" sets admin flags for when they are an admin of a single type if searching for a single type, or sets admin flag if they are an admin for all types.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspJobSearch]

    @csType as nvarchar(20) = '-1',

    @status as nvarchar(20) = '-1',

    @startID as nvarchar(50) = '',

    @endID as nvarchar(50) = '',

    @complaintType as nvarchar(50) ='',

    @Subject as nvarchar(100) = '',

    @ComplaintDateStart as DATETIME = NULL,

    @ComplaintDateEnd as dateTime = NULL,

    @plannedCompDateStart as DATETIME = NULL,

    @plannedCompDateEnd as dateTime = NULL,

    @Responsible as nvarchar(50) = '',

    @Reference as nvarchar(50) = '',

    @ProjectJobNo as nvarchar(50) = '',

    @priority as nvarchar(50) = '',

    @NextToAction as nvarchar(50) = '',

    @Initator as nvarchar(50) = '',

    @siteID as int = '',

    @BUName as nvarchar(50) = '',

    @userid as nvarchar(50) = '',

    @General as nVARCHAR(200) = '',

    @company as nvarchar(200) = '',

    @LastUpdatedDateStart as dateTime = NULL,

    @LastUpdatedDateEnd as dateTime = NULL,

    @region as nvarchar(200) = '',

    @InherentRisk INT = 0,

    @ControlRating INT = 0,

    @ResidualRisk INT = 0,

    @RiskOption VARCHAR(20) = NULL

    --,@SearchUser VARCHAR(100)





    --SET ansi_warnings OFF

    --IF ISNULL(@General,'') = '' SET @General = '""';

    IF @Region<> ''


    WITH DirectReports (RegionID, RegionName, Level)



    -- Anchor member definition

    SELECT RegionID, RegionName, 0 AS Level

    FROM dbo.tblRegion AS r

    WHERE regionID =@region


    -- Recursive member definition

    SELECT r.RegionID, r.RegionName, Level + 1

    FROM dbo.tblRegion AS r

    INNER JOIN DirectReports AS d

    ON r.parentID = d.RegionID


    --SELECT @region = COALESCE(@region+',' ,'') + CAST(s.siteID AS VARCHAR(10))

    SELECT siteID

    INTO #RegionSite

    FROM DirectReports LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblSiteRegion AS s ON DirectReports.RegionID = s.regionID



    --SELECT @region

    --SELECT * FROM #RegionSite

    --dbo.DelimitedSplit8K('''+@region +''','','')

    DECLARE @IsUserAdmin AS BIT

    DECLARE @SecurityAdminCount AS INTEGER

    IF @csType<>'-1'


    IF EXISTS (SELECT [Login] FROM [bknewho-crm].[Security].[dbo].[Application] WHERE [Application] =@csType AND Access = 'SUPERUSER' AND [login] = @userid)

    SET @IsUserAdmin = 1

    ELSE SET @IsUserAdmin = 0




    SELECT @SecurityAdminCount= COUNT(*) FROM [bknewho-crm].[Security].[dbo].[Application] WHERE [Application] IN ('BIR', 'gete','getm','IT', 'mkt', 'RISK') AND Access = 'SUPERUSER' AND [login] = @user-id

    IF @SecurityAdminCount=6

    SET @IsUserAdmin = 1

    ELSE SET @IsUserAdmin = 0


    SELECT @IsUserAdmin, @SecurityAdminCount


    -- d.domain,

    SET @SQL = 'SELECT DISTINCT C.IdentificationNo, C.ComplaintType, C.csType, B.subject, C.ComplaintDate, C.BUInitiatingComplaint, mu.status,

    RE.userID, Re.userName, C.CustomerRef, C.ProjectJobNo, C.dateReceived, mu.modUser, mu.modDate, mu.actionCompleted, mu.plannedCompDate,

    B.priority, e.eID, e.sDate as DateActioned, e.NextAction, NextToAction.userName AS NextToAction, s.siteName

    ,CASE WHEN AC.MyCount IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE AC.MyCount END AS AttachmentCount'

    IF @csType='Risk' OR @csType='-1' --@InherentRisk <> 0 OR @ControlRating <> 0 OR @ResidualRisk <> 0

    SET @SQL = @SQL + ', RRC.riskColour AS ResidualRiskCorpColour, RRB.riskColour AS ResidualRiskColour

    , IHC.riskValue AS InherentRiskCorpValue, IHB.riskValue AS InherentRiskValue '


    SET @SQL = @SQL + ', '''' AS ResidualRiskCorpColour, '''' AS ResidualRiskColour

    , '''' AS InherentRiskCorpValue, '''' AS InherentRiskValue '

    SET @SQL = @SQL +' FROM dbo.sgleComplaint AS C

    INNER JOIN dbo.tblModUsers AS mu ON mu.modIDNo = C.IdentificationNo '

    IF @NextToAction <> ''

    SET @SQL = @SQL + 'INNER JOIN dbo.tblEmail AS e ON e.IdentificationNo = C.IdentificationNo '


    SET @SQL = @SQL + 'LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblEmail AS e ON e.IdentificationNo = C.IdentificationNo '

    SET @SQL = @SQL + 'LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblEmailAddress AS NextToAction ON NextToAction.fullUserID = e.NextToAction

    INNER JOIN dbo.tblBIR AS B ON C.IdentificationNo = B.IdentificationNo'

    IF @Responsible <>''

    SET @SQL = @SQL + ' INNER JOIN dbo.tblEmailAddress AS RE ON RE.eID = B.responsibleEmployee'


    SET @SQL = @SQL + ' LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblEmailAddress AS RE ON RE.eID = B.responsibleEmployee'

    IF @siteID <> ''

    SET @SQL = @SQL + ' INNER JOIN dbo.tblSites AS s ON s.siteID ='


    SET @SQL = @SQL + ' LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblSites AS s ON s.siteID ='

    IF @region <> '' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' INNER JOIN #RegionSite R on S.siteID = R.SiteID'

    IF @csType='Risk' OR @csType='-1'--@InherentRisk <> 0 OR @ControlRating <> 0 OR @ResidualRisk <> 0

    SET @SQL = @SQL + ' LEFT OUTER JOIN tblBIRRisk as BR on B.IdentificationNo = BR.IdentificationNo

    LEFT OUTER JOIN tblRiskLookup as RRC on BR.riskRisidualRiskCorp = RRC.RiskID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN tblRiskLookup as RRB on BR.riskRisidualRisk = RRB.RiskID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN tblRiskLookup as IHC on BR.riskInherentRiskCorp = IHC.RiskID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN tblRiskLookup as IHB on BR.riskInherentRisk = IHB.RiskID'

    IF @IsUserAdmin=0

    SET @SQL = @SQL + ' LEFT OUTER JOIN [tblGETApproveList] SL on B.identificationNo = SL.identificationNo

    LEFT OUTER JOIN tblEmailAddress SEA on SL.eid = SEA.eID '

    SET @SQL = @SQL + ' LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT IdentificationNo, COUNT(*) AS MyCount

    FROM dbo.tblAttachment

    GROUP BY IdentificationNo) AS AC ON AC.IdentificationNo = C.IdentificationNo

    WHERE (e.eid IS null OR e.eid = (SELECT MAX(eID) AS mEID

    FROM dbo.tblEmail AS tblEmail_1

    WHERE (IdentificationNo = C.IdentificationNo))


    IF @csType<>'-1' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND C.csType = @_cstype '

    IF @status='MyTasks'


    SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND NOT (mu.status = ''Closed'' OR mu.status= ''Canceled'') '

    SET @SQL = @SQL + 'AND ( ( RE.fullUserID = @_userID )'

    SET @SQL = @SQL + 'OR (e.NextToAction = @_userID)'

    SET @SQL = @SQL + 'OR (MU.modUser = @_userID))'


    ELSE IF @status = 'myOverdue'


    SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND NOT (mu.status = ''Closed'' OR mu.status= ''Canceled'') '

    SET @SQL = @SQL + 'AND ( ( RE.fullUserID = @_userID )'

    SET @SQL = @SQL + 'OR (e.NextToAction = @_userID)'

    SET @SQL = @SQL + 'OR (MU.modUser = @_userID))'

    SET @SQL = @SQL + 'AND (mu.plannedCompDate <= ''' + convert(varchar(10),getdate(),102) + ''')'


    ELSE IF @status = 'allOverdue'


    SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND NOT (mu.status = ''Closed'' OR mu.status= ''Canceled'') '

    SET @SQL = @SQL + 'AND (mu.plannedCompDate <= ''' + convert(varchar(10),getdate(),102) + ''')'


    ELSE IF @status='-1'

    SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND NOT (mu.status = ''Closed'' OR mu.status= ''Canceled'') '


    IF @status <> '0' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND mu.status = @_status '

    IF @ComplaintType <> '' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND C.ComplaintType = @_ComplaintType '

    IF NOT(@startID='') SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND C.IdentificationNo >= @_startID '

    IF NOT(@endID='') SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND C.IdentificationNo <= @_endID '

    IF NOT(@LastUpdatedDateStart is null) SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND C.ComplaintDate >= convert(varchar(10),@_LastUpdatedDateStart,102) '

    IF NOT(@LastUpdatedDateEnd is null) SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND C.ComplaintDate <= convert(varchar(10),@_LastUpdatedDateEnd+1,102) '

    IF NOT(@ComplaintDateStart is null) SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND MU.modDate >= convert(varchar(10),@_ComplaintDateStart,102) '

    IF NOT(@ComplaintDateEnd is null) SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND MU.modDate <= convert(varchar(10),@_ComplaintDateEnd+1 ,102) '

    IF NOT(@plannedCompDateStart is null) SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND mu.plannedCompDate >= convert(varchar(10), @_plannedCompDateStart,102) '

    IF NOT(@plannedCompDateEnd is null) SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND mu.plannedCompDate <= convert(varchar(10),@_plannedCompDateEnd+1 ,102) '

    IF @subject <> '' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND B.subject like ''%'' + @_subject + ''%'''

    IF @BUName <> '' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND C.BUInitiatingComplaint = @_BUName '

    IF @siteID <> '' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND S.SiteID = CAST(@_siteID AS VARCHAR)'

    IF @Responsible <> '' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND RE.userName = @_Responsible '

    IF @NextToAction <> '' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND e.NextToAction= @_NextToAction '

    IF @Initator <> '' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND MU.modUser = @_Initator '

    IF @Reference <> '' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND C.CustomerRef like ''%'' + @_Reference + ''%'''

    IF @ProjectJobNo <> '' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND C.ProjectJobNo like ''%'' + @_ProjectJobNo + ''%'''

    IF @priority <> '' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND B.priority = @_priority '

    IF @company <> '' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND like ''%'' + @_company + ''%'''

    IF @General <> '' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND FREETEXT(B.History, @_General)'

    --IF @region <> '' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND S.SiteID = R.SiteID'

    IF @RiskOption ='BOTH'


    IF @InherentRisk <> 0SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND (riskInherentRisk = @_InherentRisk OR riskInherentRiskCorp = @_InherentRisk) '

    IF @ControlRating <> 0SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND (riskControlRating = @_ControlRating OR riskControlRatingCorp = @_ControlRating) '

    IF @ResidualRisk <> 0SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND (riskRisidualRisk = @_ResidualRisk OR riskRisidualRiskCorp = @_ResidualRisk) '


    ELSE IF @RiskOption ='Corporate'


    IF @InherentRisk <> 0SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND ( riskInherentRiskCorp = @_InherentRisk) '

    IF @ControlRating <> 0SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND ( riskControlRatingCorp = @_ControlRating) '

    IF @ResidualRisk <> 0SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND ( riskRisidualRiskCorp = @_ResidualRisk) '


    ELSE IF @RiskOption ='Business'


    IF @InherentRisk <> 0SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND (riskInherentRisk = @_InherentRisk ) '

    IF @ControlRating <> 0SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND (riskControlRating = @_ControlRating ) '

    IF @ResidualRisk <> 0SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND (riskRisidualRisk = @_ResidualRisk ) '


    IF @IsUserAdmin=0

    SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND (sea.FullUserID is NULL

    OR (sea.fullUserID = @_userID

    OR e.NextToAction = @_userID

    OR MU.modUser = @_userID

    OR RE.fullUserID = @_userID)) '

    --SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND b.identificationNo IN

    -- (SELECT IdentificationNo

    --FROM dbo.tblBIR


    --SELECT identificationNo FROM dbo.tblGETApproveList


    --SELECT identificationNo FROM dbo.tblGETApproveList gal INNER JOIN dbo.tblEmailAddress ea ON ea.eID = gal.eID WHERE fullUserID = @_userID) '

    SET @SQL = @SQL + ' ORDER BY C.IdentificationNo'


    EXEC sp_executesql @SQL,

    N'@_cstype nvarchar(20), @_userID nvarchar(50), @_status nvarchar(20), @_ComplaintType nvarchar(50), @_startID int, @_endID int

    , @_LastUpdatedDateStart dateTime, @_LastUpdatedDateEnd dateTime, @_ComplaintDateStart dateTime, @_ComplaintDateEnd dateTime, @_plannedCompDateStart dateTime

    , @_plannedCompDateEnd dateTime, @_subject nvarchar(100), @_BUName nvarchar(50),@_siteID int, @_Responsible nvarchar(50), @_NextToAction nvarchar(50)

    , @_Initator nvarchar(50), @_Reference nvarchar(50), @_ProjectJobNo nvarchar(50), @_priority nvarchar(50), @_company nvarchar(200), @_General nVARCHAR(200)

    ,@_InherentRisk int, @_ControlRating int, @_ResidualRisk int'

    , @_cstype=@cstype, @_userID=@userID, @_status=@status, @_ComplaintType=@ComplaintType, @_startID=@startID, @_endID=@endID

    ,@_LastUpdatedDateStart=@LastUpdatedDateStart, @_LastUpdatedDateEnd=@LastUpdatedDateEnd, @_ComplaintDateStart=@ComplaintDateStart, @_ComplaintDateEnd=@ComplaintDateEnd, @_plannedCompDateStart=@plannedCompDateStart

    ,@_plannedCompDateEnd=@plannedCompDateEnd, @_subject=@subject, @_BUName=@BUName, @_siteID=@siteID, @_Responsible=@Responsible, @_NextToAction=@NextToAction

    , @_Initator=@Initator, @_Reference=@Reference, @_ProjectJobNo=@ProjectJobNo, @_priority=@priority, @_company=@company, @_General=@General

    ,@_InherentRisk = @InherentRisk, @_ControlRating = @ControlRating, @_ResidualRisk=@ResidualRisk


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