• Jeff Moden (7/16/2014)

    Igor Micev (7/14/2014)

    --Extend this index to make it coverable for the query:

    CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [UIX_did_uid_sid] ON [Dim].[UserDevice]


    [DeviceID] ASC,

    [UserID] ASC,

    [SubscriberID] ASC





    --Create this index





    INCLUDE ([Locale],location,[TransactionStartDateTime])

    If the "select" part of the merge statement takes 4 minutes, then you'd better replace that code with a temp table and put the second index on the temp table.

    I think there is a chance to improve it a lot. So it's your turn

    Since the ROW_NUMBER partitioning in the query is...

    row_number() over(partition by [SubscriberID],[UserID],[DeviceID] order by transactionstartdatetime desc) as rn

    ... you might erg out a bit more performance if you made that second index include the transactionstartdatetime desc as a part of the key rather than a part of the INCLUDE.

    Hi Jeff,

    I'm not sure about your proposal.


    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [Index1] ON [dbo].[FactProductInventory]

    ([ProductKey] ASC,

    [DateKey] ASC)

    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [Index2] ON [dbo].[FactProductInventory]

    ([ProductKey] ASC)



    set statistics io on

    SELECT t.ProductKey,t.DateKey

    FROM DBO.FactProductInventory t

    set statistics io off

    /* Index2 used automatically by SQL Server

    (776286 row(s) affected)

    Table 'FactProductInventory'. Scan count 1, logical reads 1352, physical reads 3, read-ahead reads 1362, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    (1 row(s) affected)



    set statistics io on

    SELECT t.ProductKey,t.DateKey

    FROM DBO.FactProductInventory t with (index (Index1))

    set statistics io off

    /* Forcing Index1

    (776286 row(s) affected)

    Table 'FactProductInventory'. Scan count 1, logical reads 1352, physical reads 3, read-ahead reads 1362, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    (1 row(s) affected)


    Both columns are INT type. The query optimizer chose to use the index which is narrower (Index2). I think it would be still more firm for the real scenario from above.

    Igor Micev,My blog: www.igormicev.com