• StephenNL (7/9/2014)

    Dear Augusto,

    once again, the reason for the database being that slow is caused by a wrong Hyper-V configuration.

    While there are differences between visors, the basic concepts are the same = no ballooning (other than stuff you just don't care about), don't assign too many cores, make sure the storage is fast enough.

    Also - we currently have no info on what's wrong

    read this, and the links, get an idea where Paul's coming from then run te query to see what your main waits are and post


    also - try running sp_blitz, this may also help - run it, check the links, post te results of anything you don't, or are not sure you, understand


    This won't solve anything, but it's a start.

    I'm a DBA.
    I'm not paid to solve problems. I'm paid to prevent them.