• Okay, not sure if this is of any interest or any use to anyone at this point, but here is basically what I ended up doing:

    IF object_id('tempdb..#Existing') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Existing

    IF object_id('tempdb..#Incoming') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Incoming

    IF object_id('tempdb..#Staging') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Staging

    -- Create a table to represent our existing data

    CREATE TABLE #Existing


    Col1 BITNULL,-- "tracked"

    Col2 INTNULL, -- "tracked"

    Col3 VARCHAR(5)NULL, -- "tracked"

    Col4 VARCHAR(5)NULL, -- "tracked"

    Col5 VARCHAR(5)NULL, -- NOT "tracked"

    Col6 VARCHAR(5)NULL, -- NOT "tracked"

    MyDate DATETIME NOT NULL-- NOT "tracked"


    INSERT INTO #Existing

    SELECT 0,100, 'a', 'b','c', NULL, '2014-05-01' UNION ALL-- Row1

    SELECT 1,102, 'a', 'b','c', NULL, '2014-05-02' UNION ALL-- Row2

    SELECT 1,100, 'a', 'b','c', NULL, '2014-05-03' UNION ALL-- Row3

    SELECT 0,101, 'a', 'b','c', NULL, '2014-05-04' UNION ALL-- Row4

    SELECT 1,103, 'a', 'b','c', NULL, '2014-05-05' UNION ALL-- Row5

    SELECT NULL,102, 'z', 'y','x', 'tom', '2014-05-05' UNION ALL-- Row6

    SELECT NULL,101, 'z', 'y','x', 'tom', '2014-05-07'-- Row7

    SELECT * FROM #Existing

    -- Create a table to represent our new/incoming data

    CREATE TABLE #Incoming


    Col1 BITNULL,-- "tracked"

    Col2 INTNULL, -- "tracked"

    Col3 VARCHAR(5)NULL, -- "tracked"

    Col4 VARCHAR(5)NULL, -- "tracked"

    Col5 VARCHAR(5)NULL, -- NOT "tracked"

    Col6 VARCHAR(5)NULL, -- NOT "tracked"

    MyDate DATETIMENOT NULL-- NOT "tracked"


    INSERT INTO #Incoming

    SELECT 0, 100, 'a', 'b','c', NULL, '2014-06-01' UNION ALL-- Matches Row1

    SELECT 1, 101, 'a', 'b','c', NULL, '2014-06-02' UNION ALL -- Unique

    SELECT 1, 101, 'a', 'b',NULL, NULL, '2014-06-03' UNION ALL-- Matches Above Row

    SELECT 0, 100, 'a', 'b','c', NULL, '2014-06-04' UNION ALL-- Matches Row1

    SELECT 1, 100, 'a', 'b',NULL, NULL, '2014-06-05' UNION ALL-- Matches Row3

    SELECT NULL, 103, 'z', 'y','x', 'tom', '2014-06-06' UNION ALL-- Unique

    SELECT NULL, 102, 'z', 'y','x', 'tom', '2014-06-07'-- Matches Row6

    SELECT * FROM #Incoming

    -- Create a staging table to hold everything, with existing

    -- data flagged so it is easily identifiable.

    CREATE TABLE #Staging


    Col1 BITNULL,-- "tracked"

    Col2 INTNULL, -- "tracked"

    Col3 VARCHAR(5)NULL, -- "tracked"

    Col4 VARCHAR(5)NULL, -- "tracked"

    Col5 VARCHAR(5)NULL, -- NOT "tracked"

    Col6 VARCHAR(5)NULL, -- NOT "tracked"

    MyDate DATETIMENOT NULL, -- NOT "tracked"

    IsExisting BITNOT NULL-- FLAG (new field, exclusive to this table)


    INSERT INTO #Staging

    SELECT *, 1 FROM #Existing UNION ALL-- IsExisting = 1

    SELECT *, 0 FROM #Incoming-- IsExisting = 0

    SELECT * FROM #Staging













    -- Existing data will always be RN = 1

    -- Otherwise, we'll keep the newest version.

    IsExisting DESC,

    MyDate DESC

    ) AS RN

    FROM #Staging


    -- Delete all but the first (preferably existing) record where

    -- the 4 "tracked" fields are identical.


    SELECT * FROM #Staging

    -- Delete all the records we imported from #Existing:

    DELETE FROM #Staging WHERE IsExisting = 1

    SELECT * FROM #Staging

    -- We are now left with a #Staging table that contains only

    -- NEW unique values across the 4 "tracked" fields. We can insert

    -- these values into our #Existing table, along with the

    -- non-tracked fields.

    INSERT INTO #Existing

    SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Col5, Col6, MyDate FROM #Staging

    SELECT * FROM #Existing

    "If I had been drinking out of that toilet, I might have been killed." -Ace Ventura