Computed Column for frequent filters

  • First, background on our environment - we have a handful of developers and each of us are responsible for laying out and creating our own database backends. This often leads to inconsistencies in table and column structures.

    One obvious situation that comes up often is whether or not the other developers are building in history into their primary tables, using history/archive tables or (usually in cases of helper tables) no historical data at all.

    My thought on how to alleviate this a little was to suggest that we all build a IS_DELETED computed column into our tables so that someone else trying to work with their data doesn't have to play the guessing game. In most cases, this column would just be running date comparisons on an Expiration Date and either checking to see if it's in the future (usually 12/31/9999) or NULL.

    I have read that computed columns can be a performance hit if used/returned unnecessarily but is that also the case on fields where their main use would be filtering? It just seems that the calculation that the computed column is doing would be necessary for the WHERE anywhere so it seems like a wash ... and worth the benefit of not having to decipher someone else's work.

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