Complete Table backup using sql job

  • Hi team,

    created a job to delete all the records from table 'Unify 'daily. i want the same job to take the backup of table before deleting the records.

    Is it possible in sql to take the complete table backup in .sql format.

    Please suggest

  • Minnu (6/10/2014)

    Hi team,

    created a job to delete all the records from table 'Unify 'daily. i want the same job to take the backup of table before deleting the records.

    Is it possible in sql to take the complete table backup in .sql format.

    Please suggest

    If I'm reading this right, you want to have your procedure generate insert statements that you would then store in a table. You wouldn't be creating a backup file, but rather populating a table with everything you delete. If this is the case, then yes, you can use SQL to generate SQL statements that will (if executed) repopulate the table. For example, given the following table:

    CREATE TABLE Unify (

    ID Integer,

    SomeField Varchar(32));

    insert into Unify(ID, SomeField)

    values(1, 'Some Value 1'),

    (2, 'Some Value 2');

    You could create a history table to hold your rows you're going to delete like this:

    select 'insert into Unify(ID, SomeField) values(' + CONVERT(Varchar(30), ID) + ', ''' + SomeField + ''');'

    from Unify;

    You could then store your statements in your history table. Depending on the structure of your table, the statements could get rather long. Now that I've explained how it could be done, I don't think you should do it.

    I think a better approach to this problem would be to create a history table with the same structure as the original table and then simply insert the rows you're going to delete into the history table. This would consume a lot less space and also let you query history much more easily and efficiently. If you add a date column to your history table, which I highly recommend, you could restore the rows by querying the history table by date.

  • Hi,

    The above code works good.

    Can you please create script for below table structure, because Column "Dept_code" having all nulls, insert script is generating as NULL.

    Table Name : Emp_dept

    Emp id(int)

    Dept_id (int)

    in_time (datetime)

    Dept_code (char)





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