Setting dynamic filters for dropdowns

  • Hi,

    I have a gridview and a dropdown filters in the page. Also I have a date column in gridview which has values like 2014-04-12 and 2014-04-25. Assuming the current budget year if someone adds a row with the year 2016 and when I filter the dropdown I have exclude that 2016 columns using this below query for this current year 2014.


    select ID, Group,CONVERT(Date, Summary_Date) as Summary_Date from Application where Group='" + selectedGroup + "' and Summary_Date <=Dateadd(year,1,getdate()) order by ID, Summary_Date

    This shows shows all values of current and new year.


    For this year if I do the filters I should be able to see all values of 2014 and 2015 values upto 2015-01-01. And we move to 2015 year I should be able to see all 2015 values and values upto 2016-01-01 and so on. Pls let me know if you have any questions.

  • Hi,

    try this..

    select ID, Group,CONVERT(Date, Summary_Date) as Summary_Date from Application where Group='" + selectedGroup + "' and Summary_Date <=DATEADD(yy,1,DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,GETDATE()),0))

    order by ID, Summary_Date

  • I tried this and what is your suggestion>?

    <=DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()) + 1,0)

  • <=DATEADD(yy,1,DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,GETDATE()),0))

    don't know what is required output .

    but above code will give you next year's first date i.e '2015-01-01 00:00:00.000'

  • yours worked too and I was asking whether mine is correct.

  • yes..your code is correct..

  • Okay and Thanks:-)

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