• That was a sample url. You will need to develop your own program. Do a Google search on "vb.net automate Outlook". Publish your vb.net program to a web site and ensure "Allow URL parameters to be passed to application" is checked in Publish Options. The application load event has these lines to get the url:

    Dim cmdLine as String

    cmdLine = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ActivationArguments.ActivationData(0)

    ' parse the cmdLine to extract the parameters

    Below is a snippet of what I use to generate the emails.

    Dim OL As Object

    Dim msg As Object

    OL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

    msg = OL.CreateItem(0)

    With msg

    .To = "abc@xyz.com"

    End With

    msg.Subject = "This is the subject line"

    msg.HTMLBody = strBody ' body in html format

