SQL Server Mail With Groupwise

  • Hi,

    I am trying to configure mail alerts on SQL Server 2000 using groupwise but I am finding this difficult. I was wondering does anyone know how to do this or could they point me to some documentation ?




    Michael Carty

  • I have GW too, but I use a way to sent the mail to the SMTP server in GW. Has a rutine for it if you want to try. Send me a mail. tomas.haglund@falkoping.se


  • I am currently using GW to email alerts from SQL Server. I use Outlook 2000 sp1. Here is how I did it. 1) Make sure that SQL Server is running with domain service accounts. 2) Install Outlook logged in as the domain service account. 3) Open Outlook and select corporate or workgroup settings. 3) Create a profile with Internet email and make sure to create a pst file as well. 4) Fill in the settings for your GW smtp gateway. 5) send a test email to yourself within outlook to make sure it works. 6) Reboot the sql server. 7) Go into EM and select your new profile within SQLMail Settings.

    After that you should be good to go. Let me know if I have been unclear or if you have additional problems.


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