reporting services 2012 Setup files-only mode, separate DB server

  • Hello, hope someone can help or point me in the right direction. I'm very new with SQL server.

    Trying to setup a SQL Reporting services server, no sharepoint involved, we have:

    1. sql 2008 R2 server with database engine installed, in Domain A, running on a custom port

    2. sql 2012 server with just reporting services on it, in Domain B

    I installed SSRS feature, I have the reporting services configuration wizard>Database>Change Database>Database server, but unable to connect to the existing DB, getting error "Login Failed for user".

    What type of user do I need to configure and with what permissions, on the DB server if I select "Authentication Type: SQL Server Account"? Does that mean just a SQL User, or would an Domain user work?

    From what I can tell the versions of SQL server and the 2 AD Domains doesn't matter.

    Thank you,


  • I figured out what works (for me at least)

    Since these are trusted AD domains I used an account in the SSRS server's domain, added that account as an admin to the SSRS server and ran the config setup wizard as that user, and added the user as sysadmin on the database server.

    Now on to the next problems 🙂

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