Need Help Onthis Query?

  • hi to all,

    i am facing issue for the following query:

    for set @FromDate='1/1/2013' set @ToDate='1/14/2013' for this date the sum output is showing correct,but i have changed the todate as

    set @FromDate='1/1/2013' set @ToDate='1/30/2013' exact output not displayed

    please help me on this:

    declare @FromDate date

    declare @ToDate date

    declare @Timeperiod varchar(30)='Weekly'

    declare @vendor varchar(50)='V00616'

    set @FromDate='1/1/2013' set @ToDate='1/30/2013'



    ;with cte as



    WHEN 1 THEN DATEadd (DAY,5,@FromDate)

    WHEN 2 THEN DATEadd (DAY,4,@FromDate)

    WHEN 3 THEN DATEadd (DAY,3,@FromDate)

    WHEN 4 THEN DATEadd (DAY,2,@FromDate)

    WHEN 5 THEN DATEadd (DAY,1,@FromDate)

    WHEN 6 THEN DATEadd (DAY,0,@FromDate)

    WHEN 7 THEN DATEadd (DAY,6,@FromDate)

    END WeekEnding

    ,@ToDate EndDate

    union all

    select dateadd(Wk, 1, WeekEnding),dateadd(Wk, 1, EndDate)

    from cte

    where dateadd(Wk, 0, WeekEnding) < =@ToDate


    select WeekEnding,

    ((SELECT sum([Quantity]) from

    where ([ Date] Between WeekEnding and EndDate ))


    (select sum([Quantity]) from [table1]

    where ([Document Type]= 1) and ([Item Category Code] = 'STYLES') and

    ([Buy-from Vendor No_] in (@vendor)) and ([Quantity]>0) and ([Prod_ Order No_]='') and ([ Date] Between WeekEnding and EndDate))) 'Items Ordered from QT (MPRO/PO)'

    from cte


  • So what is the question?

    Once we know what the actual problem is we still need a couple things:

    1. Sample DDL in the form of CREATE TABLE statements

    2. Sample data in the form of INSERT INTO statements

    3. Expected results based on the sample data

    Please take a few minutes and read the first article in my signature for best practices when posting questions.


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