Restoring .BAK

  • long story, so i'll keep it short -

    Was using Windows Authentication to connect to the server. The Windows Account was deleted. Now i can't get in.

    I have .bak (full). Can I just install another Server Instance and restore those .bak's or do they require the old authentication,



  • Hi,

    In short, yes you can restore database to new server and login which restores the database will become owner of that database.

    hope this helps..

    Praveen D'sa
    MCITP - Database Administrator 2008

  • Thanks Praveen,

    let me ask you....

    Can you give me a little direction on the restore. Typically, we first have a database created/defined before we can 'restore' to it, right?

    Do I have to create the database before I can restore from the .bak.

    Technically, I'd like to just 'Create' the db from the .bak. Can I do that, and if so, what's the basic procedure,

    thank you much!


  • Hi,

    basically you do not need to create database name and structure before restoring it.

    if your backup files are pointing to different disks then you need to point them to right drives on new server.

    Restore Filelistonly from disk = '<Physical path of the .bak>'

    you get logical name and physical name of the database files.

    now you can restore the backup with syntax.

    Restore Database 'DATABASENAME' From Disk = '<Physical path of the .bak>'

    With stats = 1 ,

    Move '<LogicalName>' To '<New Path for mdf>' ,

    Move '<LogicalName>' To '<New Path for ldf>'

    let me know if any confusions..

    Praveen D'sa
    MCITP - Database Administrator 2008

  • Are they all the same versions of SQL on the different servers ?

    You can restore a 2005 backup to 2008, but not 2008 to 2005.

  • homebrew01 (11/21/2013)

    Are they all the same versions of SQL on the different servers ?

    You can restore a 2005 backup to 2008, but not 2008 to 2005.

    Service pack can matter as well here.

    If you can't connect to the original instance, you can start it in single user mode, and log in with the DAC as an administrator and reset passwords.

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