Breaking 3NF to save a join - should I do it?

  • Guys,

    I have the following situation for my new Data Warehouse:

    A table called ENTITY



    ID int identity(1,1),

    EntityType int not null,

    NaturalKey nvarchar(100) not null


    (The NaturalKey is the value we will want to report on). Once set the Entity.NaturalKey should not change and is therefore a candiate for PK on Entity.

    and I have a table called SOURCE



    ID int identity(1,1),

    SourceName nvarchar(100) not null


    Now the challenge is that the same Entity may have different keys in different source systems (don't ask!)

    so there is an interim table

    CREATE TABLE Source_X_Entity


    ID int identity(1,1),

    SourceID int not null, -- FK to source

    EntityID int not null, -- FK to Entity

    SourceRef nvarchar(100) not null,

    -- some other fields not relevant to the discussion


    The issue is that most of the time we will be searching, grouping and filtering by the Entity.NaturalKey but going through the Source_X_Entity table. Should I break 3rd Normal Form and put the NaturalKey into the Source_X_Entity table as well and risk having to do a mass update if the natural key is ever changed. It will save me a join on almost every query.

    FYI we are using SQL2012 for this project but I would be interested to know if the answer changes for SQL2008 ro SQL2005

  • Is this "extra join" causing a performance issue? If not, I would recommend that you keep the table structure you have. If this is a new system load it with data and test the performance.

    Microsoft Certified Master - SQL Server 2008
    Follow me on twitter: @keith_tate

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  • assuming you would join Source_X_Entity to the other two tables ,

    i would think that if you create a non clustered index on Entity(NaturalKey), or maybe a non cluster on(Entity(EntityID) INCLUDE(NaturalKey) you would see a good query plan when hitting the three tables together, na dwould not need to modify the structure.


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  • Thanks guys,

    The Entity.NaturalKey will definately be indexed in some form as it will be displayed on most granular level reports. As to performance, I am not sure because I havn't built it yet. I am a contractor and have 5 weeks to develop a generic DW which will then need to perform admirably with an unknown quantity of data. most of the time the X table will be a 1:1:1 relationship so I doubt that performance will be an issue. The question was whether to save effort when creating queries by including the remote field in the primary driving table - The major con of this would be that if you do join the two tables you would need to specify the table name in the field definitions.

    I think I will stick to the 3NF for now and say you need to join to the table if you need the field. I might create a view with the two tables already joined so save code duplication.

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