ISO/IEEE Standards for Data Modeling?

  • Is anyone aware of any industry standards around data modeling? It seems like there are a lot of recommended approaches and strategies, but I can't find anything that you could define as an industry standard. Sorry, I know this isn't SQL Server specific, but I'm just trying to explore all channels at this point.

  • There are some general notes I've seen (

    There are also some specifics, such as forming names.

    Is that what you're looking for? Or more specifics like do we model a Purchase Order in a specific way?

  • That's what I'm looking for. Thanks!

  • Would love to know if you use something or like it. If you actually implement it, we'd love an article on how it goes.

  • Hi Steve,

    thanks..we ended up restructuring our documentation so that we don't have to specifically address the idea of industry standards for data modeling. Oh well. 🙂

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