Opening an ADODB recordset from SQL Server 2012 Stored Procedure

  • I have a large SQL Server database with hundreds of complex stored procedures, many of which execute a Select statement from a local temporary table. Here is a simplified example.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_getMyPremiums]

    @PolicyID int


    CREATE TABLE #tblPremiums (Premium money NULL, MemberPremium money NULL) ON [PRIMARY];

    INSERT INTO #tblPremiums (Premium, MemberPremium)

    SELECT SUM(LiabilityPremium), SUM(MemberLiabilityPremium)

    FROM tblACCTCharge

    GROUP BY PolicyID

    HAVING (PolicyID = @PolicyID)

    SELECT Premium, MemberPremium

    FROM #tblPremiums

    Note that in this version of the stored procedure we first Insert values into a local temporary table and then selects the values from that table.

    A different version of this stored procedure that does not use a temporary table is as follows:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_getMyPremiums]

    @PolicyID int


    SELECT SUM(LiabilityPremium) AS Premium, SUM(MemberLiabilityPremium) AS MemberPremium

    FROM tblACCTCharge

    GROUP BY PolicyID

    HAVING (PolicyID = @PolicyID)

    Both versions return the same values when executed from SQL Server Management Studio's with

    EXECUTE usp_getMyPremiums 11407

    This is true with the database in both SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2012.

    I call on such stored procedures to open ADODB recordsets from MSAccess 2010 applications. Typical VBA code is as follows:

    Public Function getMyPremiums(PolicyID As Long) As String

    On Error GoTo Err_getMyPremiums

    Dim usp As String

    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    rst.CursorLocation = adUseServer

    usp = "usp_getMyPremiums " & PolicyID

    Call CheckConnection

    rst.Open usp, gCnn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText

    Debug.Print rst!Premium

    Debug.Print rst!MemberPremium

    Debug.Print "getMyPremiums executed without error"


    On Error Resume Next


    Set rst = Nothing

    Exit Function


    MsgBox "The application encountered unexpected " & _

    "error # " & Err.Number & " with message string " & _

    Chr(34) & Err.Description & Chr(34) & ".", _

    vbExclamation, "getMyPremiums"

    Resume Exit_getMyPremiums

    End Function

    gCnn above is a connection string to the SQL Server database.

    CheckConnection above verifies that the connection is open.

    Now, here is my problem:

    When I call such a function, and the stored procedure is in a SQL server 2008 database, both versions of the above stored procedure work properly.

    When I call such a function, and the stored procedure is in a SQL server 2012 database, only the second version of the above stored procedure works properly. The first version which relies on a temporary table returns an error # 3704 "Operation is not allowed when the object is closed". This error occurs on the first statement that follows the statement.

    Can anyone explain why the first version works with SQL Server 2008 but not with SQL Server 2012 when called by the statement in the VBA code? I set the database compatibility level to SQL Server 2008; but that didn't help.

    As I stated earlier, I have many such complex stored procedures in a large database, and I hate the thought of having to revise them all especially since my client has not yet moved to SQL Server 2012.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

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