Trying to locate SQL 2012 SP1 CTP4 - any suggestions?

  • We have a SQL 2012 Server setup before I was with the company that I need to move it to another server because the current server is having issues. My goal is to just install the same build of MS SQL Server on the new server as is on the old server, but I'm finding that the server is build 11.0.2845.0 which was updated with SQL 2012 SP1 CTP4 and not the final release of SP1. Microsoft no longer has this update available to download, so I'm at a loss on how I can bring the new server up with the same build as the current server.

    So my first question is whether or not someone on here might have SQL 2012 SP1 CTP4 available on a CD or someplace for me to grab a copy of. Or is there an FTP site or someplace on Microsoft's site where this update might still live?

    Also though I'd hate to do this given the current SQL Server is having problems (it's Windows issues and not SQL related per say), but can I install the current release of SQL 2012 SP1 on an instance that already has SQL 2012 SP1 CTP4 to bring it up to build 11.0.3000.0? That's last resort, but I'd rather try that then attempt to rebuild the server from scratch. This server has so many SSIS packages, linked servers, users, etc it'd just be a huge pain to try and rebuild it from scratch.

    Thanks for any assistance or suggestions.

  • I found SP1 CTP4, but now the question is whether or not I can upgrade from SP1 CTP4 to SP1 Final. I've read that SP1 CTP4 is not supported by MS, so I'd rather not get stuck on this service pack in case we need to contact MS for any reason.


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