How can I select values where first 2 characters are non numeric and last character is 1

  • I need to make a condition where I exclued results from a column where the first 2 characters are not numeric [A...Ö] And the last character is 1. There are only 8 characters for these posts. Other values 4- 5- 10 characters are allowed

    Example of results where I want to (only) exclude AL190001 and AJ100001:


    4404 4404

    5211 AL190000

    5211 AL190001

    5624 5624

    5982 5982

    7279 7279

    7420 AJ100000

    7420 AJ100001

    IF object_id('tempdb..#testEnvironment') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #testEnvironment


    CREATE TABLE #testEnvironment ([contact_id] [int] NOT NULL,[FtgNr] [nvarchar](49) NULL,)

    INSERT INTO #testEnvironment ([contact_id],[FtgNr]) VALUES(4404,'4404')

    INSERT INTO #testEnvironment ([contact_id],[FtgNr]) VALUES(5211,'AL190000')

    INSERT INTO #testEnvironment ([contact_id],[FtgNr]) VALUES(5211,'AL190001')

    INSERT INTO #testEnvironment ([contact_id],[FtgNr]) VALUES(5624,'5624')

    INSERT INTO #testEnvironment ([contact_id],[FtgNr]) VALUES(5982,'5982')

    INSERT INTO #testEnvironment ([contact_id],[FtgNr]) VALUES(7279,'7279')

    INSERT INTO #testEnvironment ([contact_id],[FtgNr]) VALUES(7420,'AJ100000')

    INSERT INTO #testEnvironment ([contact_id],[FtgNr]) VALUES(7420,'AJ100001')







    FtgNr NOT LIKE '[A-Z][A-Z]%1'


  • Thank you that was perfect. I was looking for something really difficult, your solution was simpler and elegant

  • Safer might be:


    FtgNr NOT LIKE '[^0-9][^0-9]%1'

    Unless you really want "alphabetic" rather than "non-numeric" as originally stated. Spaces, underscores, periods, etc., would fail this test but pass the other one ;-).

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • In my specific problem was that the value I'm looking for has 8 characters where the first 2 are alfabetical letters and the 8th character is a 1. acutally had to change it to:

    FtgNr NOT LIKE '[A-Ö][A-Ö]%1'

    to accommodate Swedish characters. I'll bear in mind you comment for future use.

    Thanks for your responce

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