SSIS Transfer SQL Server Objects Task - Permissions Issue

  • I am attempting to create an SSIS package that will copy data from selected tables on one server to another. The problem I am running into is that when I try to get the list of tables, I receive the following error: "Property DefaultSchema is not available for Database '[XXXX]'. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights. "

    I don't have write permissions to either server. However, I can run a SQL Job calling the SSIS package which does have the required permissions. I do not receive an error if I choose "All Tables" but I do not want to copy all of the tables.

    Any ideas on how to get around this? Elevated permissions are not an option. I really don't want to manually create Data Flow source and destinations for each table.

    Thanks for any help in advance!

  • Odd that it works with all tables selected. Are you using schemas or is everything under dbo? (was wondering if owner property set -- check sp_helpdb databasename because I found that to be a problem in the past)

  • An alternative might be to use the Import/Export wizard to copy the tables from one server to the other.

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