Automated Cube Restore

  • I'm a bit of an SSAS Noobert so if I'm working at this in the wrong direction, I'd appreciate some direction... please bear with me...

    anyways, I have a training site for a customer. For various reasons, we need to restore a copy of the most recent back up of their _BI database to the server/system on which this training site runs daily.

    The first run following an SSAS restart works. any subsequent runs hang and run forever (or until SSAS is cycled)

    If I run mdx, select * from @System.discover_sessions, I can see my session, spid etc.

    in the System.discover_connections view, there is not a corresponding result.


    <Cancel xmlns="">




    with the correct spid doesnt change the results of the System.discover_sessions view, nor does it return an error indicating that i didnt pass an invalid session ID or some such.

    after a successful restore, there will still be a lock on the databases, with a session showing the 'restore' command has been run.

    the command the restore runs is:

    <Restore xmlns="">




    <DbStorageLocation xmlns="">P:\fileStructure\Data\</DbStorageLocation>


    Is this a known bug my GoogleFu hasnt uncovered? Am I doing something blatantly wrong?

    FWIW, a VERY similar set of logic works on another server without issue.

    this is a sql 2008R2 system on SP1

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