help needed in power shell script to script out sql server jobs

  • Hello,

    I created this script to script out SQL server jobs, the script creates a file matching the job name and script it out as a sql script.

    the script works most of the time, the only time it generates exception, when I have non conventional job names like "load/MTS Error Check" for example where I have "/", so I tried to add some logic to replace those wearied characters without lock, I want to change the file names not the job name on the server.

    SQL server replication throws the same exception

    "Out-File : The given path's format is not supported."

    what I'm doing wrong?.

    Import-Module SQLPS -DisableNameChecking

    #Script out all job steps and created a file per job

    #created by Mulham Hafiez on 9/18/2013

    #map a drive to a list of servers

    New-PSDrive -Name UNCPath -PSProvider FileSystem -Root \\Share1\jobs

    foreach ($instancename in get-content -path Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\Share1\Servers\Servers.txt)


    $Date =Get-date -Format "yyyy-M-d_hmmtt"

    $folder= "UNCPath:\servers\jobs"

    $server = New-Object 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server' -ArgumentList $instanceName

    #extract each job the outer foreach loop and script it

    foreach ($job in $server.JobServer.Jobs)


    #IF the output folder does not exist then create it

    $OutputFolder = "$folder\$instancename\"

    $DoesFolderExist = Test-Path $OutputFolder

    $null = if (!$DoesFolderExist){MKDIR "$OutputFolder"}

    # $job | foreach {$_.Script()} | out-file $fullpath

    $JobName =$job.Name

    # remove non conventional charachters

    $JobName |ForEach-object {

    $_ -replace "\\",'_' `

    -replace "//" ,'_'`


    $jobNameFile = $jobName+"_"+$date+".sql"

    $fullpath =Join-Path $OutputFolder $jobNameFile

    $job | foreach {$_.Script()} | Out-File $fullpath



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