Login Failed for user - Password did not match

  • Hi,

    So i am migrating an application database from an SQL Server 2000 instance to an SQL Server 2005 instance.

    When i try to connect to the database on the new instance using the application, "i get the login failed for user: password did not match that for the login provided" 18456 error appearing in the SQL Server log.

    The application uses SQL Server Authentication and i have re-created the login and re-mapped it to the database on the new server.

    I am also able to login using management studio with the same account without a problem, it just seems to be when i try to connect via the application. It's almost as if the password is being lost or changed before it reaches the SQL Server to be authenticated.

    Could anyone offer and advice on this?

    Thanks in advance.

  • can you post complete Error with error state ?

    See below



    2 and 5 Invalid userid

    6 Attempt to use a Windows login name with SQL Authentication

    7 Login disabled and password mismatch

    8 Password mismatch

    9 Invalid password

    11 and 12 Valid login but server access failure

    13 SQL Server service paused

    18 Change password required

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • I managed to resolve this issue.

    The application automaically capitalised the password prior to submitting it to the SQL Server for authentication; you just couldn't see this because the password was masked with asterixes.

    Passwords in SQL Server 2000 were not case sensitive so it didnt matter on that platform but they are in prior versions of SQL Server so this is why the passwords didn't match.


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