finding value in a string

  • I have a text value in a string which I can convert to varchar(1000). field I am going to convert look like this.

    I need to extract the values between <EntryID> and </EntryID>

    I was thinking charindex but am stuck


  • timscronin (9/17/2013)

    I have a text value in a string which I can convert to varchar(1000). field I am going to convert look like this.

    I need to extract the values between <EntryID> and </EntryID>

    I was thinking charindex but am stuck


    Your "string" looks to almost be xml???

    As a string you could do this.

    declare @MyValue varchar(1000) = '<NewOrder><InstID>ED</InstID><PatientID>22164</PatientID><LName>fACKSON</LName><FName>JAMES</FName><EntryID>1923236</EntryID><OrderID></NewOrder>'

    select left(SUBSTRING(@MyValue, charindex('<EntryID>', @MyValue) + 9, LEN(@MyValue)), CHARINDEX('</EntryID>', SUBSTRING(@MyValue, charindex('<EntryID>', @MyValue) + 10, LEN(@MyValue))))


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  • Or this:

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@MyValue, CHARINDEX('<EntryID>', @MyValue) + 9, CHARINDEX('</EntryID>', @MyValue) - CHARINDEX('<EntryID>', @MyValue) - 9)

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • If not for the un-closed <OrderID> tag you would have a well-formed fragment that you could query via XPath. What Scott and Sean included will be better for your requirement. I am just showing another method.

    How you could do it with a well-formed xml fragment

    (note: I changed <OrderID> to <OrderID/>)

    DECLARE @MyValue varchar(1000)=


    SELECT x.value('(/NewOrder/EntryID/text())[1]', 'varchar(100)')

    FROM (VALUES (CAST(@MyValue AS xml))) doc(x)

    With that <OrderID> tag in there you could do this:

    SELECT CAST(REPLACE(@MyValue2,'<OrderID>','<OrderID/>') AS xml).value('(/NewOrder/EntryID/text())[1]', 'varchar(100)')

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Yet another way using Jeff Moden's venerated delimited string splitter: DelimitedSplit8K[/url] (download at the link provided):

    declare @MyValue varchar(1000) = '<NewOrder><InstID>ED</InstID><PatientID>22164</PatientID><LName>fACKSON</LName><FName>JAMES</FName><EntryID>1923236</EntryID><OrderID></NewOrder>'

    SELECT LEFT(Item, PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', Item)-1)

    FROM (SELECT REPLACE(@MyValue, 'EntryID>', CHAR(5))) a(MyStr)

    CROSS APPLY dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(MyStr, CHAR(5))

    WHERE ItemNumber = 2;

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