How to Split An Incoming Array Parameter from VB6 into SQL Server 2012

  • I have a need of passing-in an array of email addresses from a VB6 application to SQL Server 2012 stored procedure, about 20 email addresses total per array, and they'll look basically like this as they come into the SQL Server stored procedure:


    ... and so on

    What I basically would like to do within my SQL Server 2012 stored procedure is parse/split each of the individual email addresses contained in the array and run individual "Update" statements to indicate in a particular table that I've successfully sent an email to each of the approx. 20 email addresses.

    I know that I could loop through the array of 20-or-so email addresses within my VB6 application and call the SQL Server stored procedure 20 different times and do the updates to the records containing each email address in the array. However, I was curious if I could just pass all 20 email addresses, separated by the ";" delimiter as I showed in the example earlier, and do everything with *ONE* call to a stored procedure instead of 20 individual calls.

    Any suggestions or examples are much appreciated.


  • Take a look at the article in my signature about splitting strings. In there you will find a table valued function for doing this.

    The code when you are done would be something like this:

    declare @Emails varchar(2000) = ';;;'

    select *

    from dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(@Emails, ';')


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  • Many thanks for the info. I'll check this out and will try to implement / modify it as needed this eve.

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