• L' Eomot Inversé (8/5/2013)

    Toreador (8/5/2013)

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (8/2/2013)we had some authors of questions complain people wait until the next day and then get the answer to boost their "points"

    Let them, if it makes them happy. I'd rather they boosted their points that way than add a pointless reply ("nice question", "easy", "+1") that clutters up the following discussion!

    Ah, yes, but apparently if they could space

    their pointless reply so that it occupied

    only the middle quarter of the available

    horizontal space that would, on at least

    one definition (with which I disagree),

    cause no clutter at all.

    LOL, nice one, Tom. However I'd say that your response is easy to read than:

    Here we have a busy response that consists of some nonsense liek this set of random characters sdfdsf sdh r k3lkn lkkjsd lkj dkfj elgkje slkd followed by some more text which has various icons 🙂 and 😛 along with garbage that is interspaced sfsdf wfep lk lk lk lkj lkjii4jr4 wewf ek 4t j3itrefi i3ir3tihg i45t 43igiihfierg wie cwi iwifh weif i iwth ewih ewi fhe here we have an explanation that would seem to say that a bunch of text put together in one long paragraph is easy to read, but really we don't have long thoughts like this that should be in one paragraph. All too often I see someone respond on a thread with one long paragraph when they have multiple thoughts and I find it difficult and distressing to read.

    Cluttered is not a definition. It is a perception. We disagree on what that means.