SQL erroring for windows authentification when mixed is selected

  • Login failed for user ''. Reason: An attempt to login using SQL authentication failed. Server is configured for Windows authentication only. [CLIENT:]

    I am getting the above error over and over in my SQL log but SQL is 100% enabled for mixed mode. I have restarted SQL to ensure it is and also ran

    SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly');

    which returns 0.

    Any idea where this error might of appeared from?

  • Hi,

    Is your SQL Login Enabled? (check Properties->Status for Login). Once I had that problem.

    Also check the User mappings and other properties for the Login.



    Igor Micev,My blog: www.igormicev.com

  • Its not actually specifying an account in the error but yes ive checked all the accounts and none are locked\disabled.

    Cheers for your time though.

  • What does

    exec sp_change_users_login @Action='Report'


    Take a look on this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms174378(v=sql.105).aspx



    Igor Micev,My blog: www.igormicev.com

  • Its coming back saying 2 SQL accounts are orphaned but I wouldn't think the error I am getting would be due to orphaned accounts?

  • Yes, It should not be unless if your account is one of the orphaned.

    Well, try by resetting the password of your Login. Check some other stuff, and inform the community when you'll resolve it.

    Interesting issue anyway.



    Igor Micev,My blog: www.igormicev.com

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