• As I need to support French speaking persons, as I live/work in France, I modified for the date changes:

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[calendar]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))

    DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[calendar]



    Created By :- Vinay Kumar

    Created on :- 29 Jan 2008

    Purpose :- Print the calendar from the given Date

    Modified On :- July 20, 2012

    Modified On :- June 24, 2013 - changed calendar representation for French

    --- EXEC calendar '01/06/2013'


    Create Procedure calendar

    @StartDate DateTime='01/01/2012' ----Default Value


    Set nocount on

    DECLARE @tbl Table(RowID int identity(1,1), Dim varchar(20) default '', Lun varchar(20) default '', Mar varchar(20) default '',

    Mer varchar(20) default '', Jeu varchar(20) default '', Ven varchar(20) default '', Sam varchar(20) default '')

    DECLARE @currentMonth int

    DECLARE @CurrentDate int

    DECLARE @CurrentDay int

    DECLARE @CurrentRowID int

    DECLARE @TotalMonthDays int

    DECLARE @monthName varchar(20)

    DECLARE @YearNo int

    set @YearNo = datepart(yy, @StartDate)

    set @CurrentDate = datepart(dd, @StartDate)

    set @currentMonth = datepart(mm, @StartDate)

    set @CurrentDay = datepart(dw, @StartDate)

    insert @tbl(Lun) values ('')

    set @CurrentRowID = @@Identity

    while @currentMonth <= 12


    set @monthName = datename(m, @StartDate) ---upper(datename(m, @StartDate))

    insert @tbl(Mar, Mer, Jeu) values (@monthName, ' xxx ', Convert(Varchar, @YearNo))

    set @CurrentRowID = @@Identity

    insert @tbl(Lun,Mar,Mer,Jeu,Ven,Sam,Dim) values ('________', '________', '________', '________', '________', '________', '________')

    insert @tbl(Lun) values ('')

    set @CurrentRowID = @@Identity

    set @TotalMonthDays = case when @currentMonth in (1,3,5,7,8,10,12) then 31

    when @currentMonth in (4,6,9,11) then 30

    when @currentMonth = 2 and @YearNo % 4 = 0 then 29

    when @currentMonth = 2 and @YearNo % 4 <> 0 then 28


    while @CurrentDate <= @TotalMonthDays


    if @CurrentDay = 1


    insert @tbl(Lun) values ('')

    set @CurrentRowID = @@Identity


    if @CurrentDay = 1

    update @tbl set Lun = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 2

    update @tbl set Mar = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 3

    update @tbl set Mer = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 4

    update @tbl set Jeu = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 5

    update @tbl set Ven = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 6

    update @tbl set Sam = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    else if @CurrentDay = 7

    update @tbl set Dim = Convert(Varchar(2), @CurrentDate) where RowID = @CurrentRowID

    set @CurrentDate = @CurrentDate + 1

    if @CurrentDate = @TotalMonthDays + 1


    SET @currentMonth = @currentMonth + 1

    IF (Datepart(DD,@StartDate)>1)

    SET @StartDate = DATEADD(Day,-(Datepart(DD,@StartDate)-1),@StartDate)

    SET @StartDate = DATEADD(Month,1,@StartDate)

    SET @CurrentDay = datepart(dw, @StartDate)

    insert @tbl(Lun,Mar,Mer,Jeu,Ven,Sam,Dim) values ('************', '************', '************', '************', '************', '************', '************')



    set @CurrentDay = (@CurrentDay + 1) % 8

    if (@CurrentDay = 0)

    SET @CurrentDay = 1


    set @CurrentDate = 1


    -- Finaly show the output

    select Lun, Mar, Mer, Jeu, Ven, Sam, Dim from @tbl where Lun <> '' or Mar <> '' or Mer <> '' or

    Jeu <> '' or Ven <> '' or Sam <> '' or Dim <> ''