SSAS 2012 - LinRegPoint help

  • I am trying to do some linear regression analysis in my cube so that i can the use this to forecast future revenue. I have written all the calculation script and deployed it successfully but there are no results being returned and i cannot figure out where i have gone wrong.

    I'm hoping someone here can help me before i go mad staring at the code, i am pretty sure it is something to do with how i have set-up the Rolling 12 Months Set but cant see the problem for looking..

    Additionally I only have data spanning back to august last year if that makes any difference to how the results are produced

    Here's the code.


    {strtomember("[DIM Date].[Date].[" +

    cstr(year(dateadd('yyyy',-1,now()))) + "-" +

    Right('0'+ cstr(Month(now())),2) + "-" +

    Right('0'+ cstr(Day(now())),2)+


    :strtomember("[DIM Date].[Date].[" +

    cstr(year(dateadd('yyyy',-0,now()))) + "-" +

    Right('0'+ cstr(Month(now())),2) + "-" +

    Right('0'+ cstr(Day(now())),2)+


    CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Rank 12 Months] AS

    RANK([DIM Date].[Year Month Key].CurrentMember

    , ORDER([Rolling 12 Months]

    , [Measures].[Month Key]

    , BASC )

    ), VISIBLE = 0;

    CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[12 Month Trend] AS

    iif( [Measures].[Completed Days] <27


    ,LinRegPoint([Measures].[Rank 12 Months]

    ,[Rolling 12 Months]

    ,[Measures].[Sales Amount]

    ,[Measures].[Rank 12 Months]



    , FORMAT_STRING = "Currency"

    , VISIBLE = 1

    , ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = 'Sales Measure' ;

    Thanks in advance for any help or advice anyone can give me.

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