Error converting Varchar to Float

  • Hi All,

    I am trying to use the query below but receive the error message

    "Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1

    Error converting data type varchar to float."

    Query :

    select w.casecode,w.category,w.desc1,w.weightage,w.WACC,w.Goal_Weighing,f.Factor

    from [dbo].[Final] as w inner join

    [dbo].[Final01] as f

    on w.casecode = f.casecode

    I am surprised because this query is used to create a view. This view was not giving me any error message since last 1 week but suddenly today I pressed button to see results of this view and received this error message. Please help!

  • not sure which of the two tables are the problem, but i'd start by looking at any values that cannot convert to a numeric datatype:

    SELECT * from [dbo].[Final] WHERE ISNUMERIC(casecode) =0

    SELECT * from [dbo].[Final01] WHERE ISNUMERIC(casecode) =0


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  • Just to add to what Lowell said, float has a higher data type precedence than varchar so when you compare, or join as you are doing, two columns with different data types one column's data must be implicitly converted to the other type so they can be compared. In your query, it is very likely that one of the two columns, the one that is a varchar, has data that cannot be converted to float.

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