facing issue in looping through in SOL to XML

  • We are trying to display the xml code using following query but facing some issue as follows. We have created the temp using various tables in the database and trying to create xml ouput from the same.

    CREATE TABLE #crossTable11(

    EMPID int INT

    , SN Int INT

    , EmpName VARCHAR(150)

    , EventName VARCHAR(150)

    , BookingDate smalldatetime SMALLDATETIME

    , PositionName VARCHAR(150)

    , DepartmentName VARCHAR(150)


    INSERT INTO #crossTable11

    (EMPID, SN, EmpName, EventName, BookingDate, PositionName, DepartmentName)


    (1, 6, 'N1', '99hh', '2013-05-20 00:00:00', 'Manager', 'Admin')

    INSERT INTO #crossTable11

    (EMPID, SN, EmpName, EventName, BookingDate, PositionName, DepartmentName)


    (2, 6, 'N1', 'MS Excel', '', '', '')

    INSERT INTO #crossTable11

    (EMPID, SN, EmpName, EventName, BookingDate, PositionName, DepartmentName)


    values (13, 6, 'N1', 'MS Office', '', '', '')

    INSERT INTO #crossTable11

    (EMPID, SN, EmpName, EventName, BookingDate, PositionName, DepartmentName)


    (4, 2, 'Pkar', '99hh', '2013-05-20 00:00:00', 'Manager', 'Admin')

    INSERT INTO #crossTable11

    (EMPID, SN, EmpName, EventName, BookingDate, PositionName, DepartmentName)


    (5, 2, 'Pkar', 'MS Excel', '2013-05-10 00:00:00', 'Supplier', 'Accounts')

    INSERT INTO #crossTable11

    (EMPID, SN, EmpName, EventName, BookingDate, PositionName, DepartmentName)


    values (6, 2, 'Pkar', 'MS Office', '2013-08-01 00:00:00', 'Supplier', 'Accounts')

    SELECT 'Site of Person Involved' AS '@caption', 'SitePI' AS '@fieldName',


    select EmpName as 'emp/@ID',PositionName as 'emp/@Position',DepartmentName as 'emp/@Department',


    select EventName as 'event/@ID',BookingDate as 'event/@Date'

    from #crossTable11 L

    where L.EMPID = p.EMPID

    order by EventName

    for XML path ('event'),TYPE


    from #crossTable11 p

    group by p.SN,p.EmpName,p.PositionName,p.DepartmentName,p.EMPID

    for xml PATH(''), TYPE )

    for xml PATH('r'), TYPEOutput is as follows which shows the duplicate names.

    <r caption="Site of Person Involved" fieldName="SitePI">

    <emp ID="Pkar" Position="" Department="" />


    <event ID="MS Office" Date="1900-01-01T00:00:00" />


    <emp ID="Pkar" Position="Supervisor" Department="Admin" />


    <event ID="99hh" Date="2013-05-20T00:00:00" />


    <emp ID="Pkar" Position="Supervisor" Department="Admin" />


    <event ID="MS Excel" Date="2013-05-10T00:00:00" />


    <emp ID="N1" Position="" Department="" />


    <event ID="99hh" Date="2013-05-20T00:00:00" />


    <emp ID="N1" Position="" Department="" />


    <event ID="MS Office" Date="1900-01-01T00:00:00" />


    <emp ID="N1" Position="Manager" Department="Account" />


    <event ID="MS Excel" Date="1900-01-01T00:00:00" />


    </r>Required output is: We would like to avoid the duplicates and combine the output for them

    <r caption="Site of Person Involved" fieldName="SitePI">

    <emp ID="Pkar" Position="Supervisor" Department="Admin" />


    <event ID="99hh" Date="2013-05-20T00:00:00" />

    <event ID="MS Office" Date="1900-01-01T00:00:00" />

    <event ID="MS Excel" Date="2013-05-10T00:00:00" />


    <emp ID="N1" Position="Manager" Department="Account" />


    <event ID="99hh" Date="2013-05-20T00:00:00" />

    <event ID="MS Office" Date="1900-01-01T00:00:00" />

    <event ID="MS Excel" Date="1900-01-01T00:00:00" />


  • Hi and welcome to the forums.

    In order to help we will need a few things:

    1. Sample DDL in the form of CREATE TABLE statements

    2. Sample data in the form of INSERT INTO statements

    3. Expected results based on the sample data

    Please take a few minutes and read the first article in my signature for best practices when posting questions.


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/ for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69953/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/





    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_V4_Report_AT_AttendeeBookingOverview_1June]


    @Filters varchar(MAX),

    @Company int,

    @User int




    DECLARE @ReportFilters AS xml

    SELECT @ReportFilters = ReportFilters FROM Users WHERE UsersID = @User

    SELECT @Filters = @ReportFilters.value('(/UserReportSettings/ReportFilters)[1]', 'varchar(MAX)') + ' ' + @ReportFilters.value('(/UserReportSettings/ConsumerReportFilters)[1]', 'varchar(MAX)')

    SELECT @Filters = REPLACE(@Filters, '''''', '''')

    CREATE TABLE #ReportMaster (

    [MU_Attendee_BookingID] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [BookingID] [bigint] NULL,

    [MU_Employee_DepartmentID] [bigint] NULL,

    [Attendee_Status] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [Site] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [Department] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [Competent] [bit] NULL,

    [OwnTime] [bit] NULL,

    [AccommodationCost] [smallmoney] NULL,

    [VehicleCost] [smallmoney] NULL,

    [DateCompetencyAchieved] [smalldatetime] NULL,

    [Variations] [int] NULL,

    [Feedback] [varchar](400) NULL,

    [Notes] [varchar](400) NULL,

    [MU_BookingFrequencyID] [bigint] NULL,

    [CompanyID] [int] NULL,

    [UniqueAttendeeID] [int] NULL,

    [CreatedBy] [int] NULL,

    [CreatedDate] [smalldatetime] NULL,

    [ModifedBy] [int] NULL,

    [ModifiedDate] [smalldatetime] NULL,

    [Name] [nvarchar](max) null,

    [PositionName] [nvarchar](max) null,

    [DepartmentName] [nvarchar](max) null,

    [EventName] [nvarchar](max) null,

    [FirstName] [nvarchar](max) null,

    [LastName] [nvarchar](max) null)

    INSERT INTO #ReportMaster EXEC usp_AttendanceBookingOverviewReportMaster @Filters,@Company, @User

    CREATE TABLE #crossTable11(EMPID int,SN Int,EmpName VARCHAR(150), EventName VARCHAR(150), BookingDate smalldatetime,PositionName VARCHAR(150),DepartmentName VARCHAR(150))

    --INSERT INTO #crossTable11 exec usp_AT3

    INSERT INTO #crossTable11 (EMPID,SN,EmpName,EventName,BookingDate,PositionName,DepartmentName) values (1,6,'Nick Felton','99hh','2013-05-20 00:00:00','Manager','Admin')

    INSERT INTO #crossTable11 (EMPID,SN,EmpName,EventName,BookingDate,PositionName,DepartmentName) values (2,6,'Nick Felton','MS Excel','','','')

    INSERT INTO #crossTable11 (EMPID,SN,EmpName,EventName,BookingDate,PositionName,DepartmentName) values (3,6,'Nick Felton','MS Office','','','')

    INSERT INTO #crossTable11 (EMPID,SN,EmpName,EventName,BookingDate,PositionName,DepartmentName) values (4,2,'Priyanka Renaweekar','99hh','2013-05-20 00:00:00','Manager','Admin')

    INSERT INTO #crossTable11 (EMPID,SN,EmpName,EventName,BookingDate,PositionName,DepartmentName) values (5,2,'Priyanka Renaweekar','MS Excel','2013-05-10 00:00:00','Supplier','Accounts')

    INSERT INTO #crossTable11 (EMPID,SN,EmpName,EventName,BookingDate,PositionName,DepartmentName) values (6,2,'Priyanka Renaweekar','MS Office','2013-08-01 00:00:00','Supplier','Accounts')

    DECLARE @MinDate smalldatetime, @MaxDate smalldatetime

    SELECT @MinDate = MIN(AB.CreatedDate), @MaxDate = MAX(AB.CreatedDate)

    FROM #ReportMaster AB

    CREATE TABLE #DateRange ([Label] varchar(music) NOT NULL, [MonthVal] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [YearVal] [smallint] NOT NULL)

    INSERT INTO #DateRange SELECT * FROM dbo.udf_GetMonthsInDateRange(@MinDate, @MaxDate)

    DECLARE @SQL varchar(MAX)

    DECLARE @temp int

    DECLARE @ReportName varchar(200)

    SET @ReportName = 'Sample Report For'

    Declare @Query as nvarchar(max)

    SELECT 'Site of Person Involved' AS '@caption', 'SitePI' AS '@fieldName',


    Select Distinct VV.EventName as 'emp/@Name',VV.BookingID as 'emp/@ID'

    from #ReportMaster VV

    for XML path('eventList'),Type),


    select EmpName as 'emp/@ID',PositionName as 'emp/@Position',DepartmentName as 'emp/@Department',


    select distinct EventName,BookingDate

    from #crossTable11 L

    where L.EMPID = p.EMPID

    order by EventName

    for XML path ('emp'),TYPE


    from #crossTable11 p where p.PositionName !='' and p.DepartmentName !=''

    group by p.SN,p.EmpName,p.PositionName,p.DepartmentName,p.EMPID

    for xml PATH('r'), TYPE),


    (SELECT distinct ABA.EventName FROM #ReportMaster BBB


    Booking ABA ON BBB.BookingID!= ABA.BookingID

    for xml PATH(''), TYPE)as 'emp1',

    (SELECT DISTINCT E.FirstName + ' ' + E.LastName as 'event/@Name'

    ,PP.PositionName as 'event/@Position',DD.DepartmentName as 'event/@Department'

    --,Ab.BookingID ,b.EventName ,ED.MU_Employee_DepartmentID

    FROM Employee E

    inner join MU_Employee_Department ED on E.EmployeeID=ED.EmployeeID

    inner join Position PP on PP.PositionID = ED.PositionID

    inner join Department DD on DD.DepartmentID = ED.DepartmentID

    inner join MU_Attendee_Bookings Ab on Ab.MU_Employee_DepartmentID != ED.MU_Employee_DepartmentID

    left outer join Booking B on AB.BookingID=B.BookingID where E.EmployeeID NOT IN

    (SELECT distinct MU_Employee_Department.EmployeeID FROM MU_Employee_Department,MU_Attendee_Bookings ,

    Employee WHERE MU_Employee_Department.MU_Employee_DepartmentID = MU_Attendee_Bookings.MU_Employee_DepartmentID)

    for xml PATH(''), TYPE)

    FOR XML PATH('r')

    --SELECT 1 as Tag,

    -- NULL as Parent,

    -- R.MU_Employee_DepartmentID as [Customer!1!CustomerID],

    -- NULL as [ReportMaster!2!OrderID!element],

    -- NULL as [ReportMaster!2!OrderDate]

    --FROM #ReportMaster R


    --SELECT 2,

    -- 1,

    -- R1.MU_Employee_DepartmentID,

    -- CT.BookingDate,

    -- CT.EventName

    --FROM #ReportMaster R1, #crossTable11 CT

    --WHERE R1.MU_Employee_DepartmentID = CT.EMPID

    --ORDER BY [Customer!1!CustomerID], [ReportMaster!2!OrderID!element]


    ---exec [usp_V4_Report_AT_AttendeeBookingOverview_1June] ' ',4,1012

    The output is as follows:

    <r caption="Site of Person Involved" fieldName="SitePI">

    <emp Name="name1" Position="Manager" Department="Admin">

    <event ID="99hh" AttendanceDate="20/05/2013" />

    <event ID="MS Excel" AttendanceDate="xx" />

    <event ID="MS Office" AttendanceDate="xx" />


    <emp Name="Name2" Position="Supplier" Department="Accounts">

    <event ID="99hh" AttendanceDate="xx" />

    <event ID="MS Excel" AttendanceDate="10/05/2013" />

    <event ID="MS Office" AttendanceDate="xx" />


    <emp Name="Name2" Position="Supplier" Department="Accounts">

    <event ID="99hh" AttendanceDate="xx" />

    <event ID="MS Excel" AttendanceDate="xx" />

    <event ID="MS Office" AttendanceDate="01/08/2013" />



    What I need as follows. I do not want the name2 to repeat but combine the two outputs related to name2.

    <r caption="Site of Person Involved" fieldName="SitePI">

    <emp Name="name1" Position="Manager" Department="Admin">

    <event ID="99hh" AttendanceDate="20/05/2013" />

    <event ID="MS Excel" AttendanceDate="xx" />

    <event ID="MS Office" AttendanceDate="xx" />


    <emp Name="Name2" Position="Supplier" Department="Accounts">

    <event ID="99hh" AttendanceDate="xx" />

    <event ID="MS Excel" AttendanceDate="10/05/2013" />

    <event ID="MS Office" AttendanceDate="01/08/2013" />



    Any help is really appreciated

  • The issue here is that I can't even come close to executing this on my server. There are a lot of missing pieces here.









    And Varchar(music)???

    Probably the easiest way to get to a solution here is to make this an example and not your actual code. Put together a temp table with the raw data that you are trying to convert to xml.


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/ for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69953/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/

  • Thanks for the response and actually sorry for the confusion. I am new to the forum. But the whole issue is

    Here is my query

    select EmpName as 'emp/@ID',PositionName as 'emp/@Position',DepartmentName as 'emp/@Department',


    select distinct EventName,BookingDate

    from #crossTable11 L

    where L.EMPID = p.EMPID

    order by EventName

    for XML path ('emp'),TYPE


    from #crossTable11 p where p.PositionName !='' and p.DepartmentName !=''

    group by p.SN,p.EmpName,p.PositionName,p.DepartmentName,p.EMPID

    for xml PATH('r'), TYPE),

    Which is generating following output:

    <emp Name="name1" Position="Manager" Department="Admin">

    <event ID="99hh" AttendanceDate="20/05/2013" />

    <event ID="MS Excel" AttendanceDate="xx" />

    <event ID="MS Office" AttendanceDate="xx" />


    <emp Name="Name2" Position="Supplier" Department="Accounts">

    <event ID="99hh" AttendanceDate="xx" />

    <event ID="MS Excel" AttendanceDate="10/05/2013" />

    <event ID="MS Office" AttendanceDate="xx" />


    <emp Name="Name2" Position="Supplier" Department="Accounts">

    <event ID="99hh" AttendanceDate="xx" />

    <event ID="MS Excel" AttendanceDate="xx" />

    <event ID="MS Office" AttendanceDate="01/08/2013" />


    But I am looking for following output to be produced.

    <emp Name="name1" Position="Manager" Department="Admin">

    <event ID="99hh" AttendanceDate="20/05/2013" />

    <event ID="MS Excel" AttendanceDate="xx" />

    <event ID="MS Office" AttendanceDate="xx" />


    <emp Name="Name2" Position="Supplier" Department="Accounts">

    <event ID="99hh" AttendanceDate="xx" />

    <event ID="MS Excel" AttendanceDate="10/05/2013" />

    <event ID="MS Office" AttendanceDate="01/08/2013" />


    Basically, the output is showing repeated employee names which I would like to avoid.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

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