Flagging Records within a table of sequenced numbers

  • I have a problem I'm hoping someone can help me with. I have a table of sequenced numbers. In this table I need to look at two columns; am_sw and cc_sw. If the am_sw is flagged, I need to check the next 7 sequential records for that number for a cc_sw that is flagged. If i don't find a cc_sw flagged within the next 7 records, I wan't to pull this number out for later.

    Below is some sample code to give an idea of what I am working with. In the code below I would want to pull number 201200001 as it has the pattern of 1 am_sw followed by at least 7 records without a cc_sw. The second number would not be flagged as it does not meet this pattern.

    Any ideas? I'm banging my head on my desk right now and it doesn't seem to be helping. :crazy:

    DECLARE @numbers TABLE (number INT, am_sw INT, cc_sw INT, sequence_number INT)

    INSERT @numbers(number, am_sw, cc_sw,sequence_number)

    SELECT 201200001,1,0,1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,1,2 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,3 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,1,0,4 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,5 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,6 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,7 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,8 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,9 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,10 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,11 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,1,12 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200002,1,0,1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200002,1,0,2 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200002,0,0,3 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200002,0,0,4 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200002,0,0,5 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200002,0,1,6 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200002,0,0,7

    select *

    FROM @numbers

  • wow great job providing the setup;

    my attempt is adding a rownumber ot partiton by two columns, and joining the results;

    does this give you what you were after?

    DECLARE @numbers TABLE (number INT, am_sw INT, cc_sw INT, sequence_number INT)

    INSERT @numbers(number, am_sw, cc_sw,sequence_number)

    SELECT 201200001,1,0,1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,1,2 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,3 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,1,0,4 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,5 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,6 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,7 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,8 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,9 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,10 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,11 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,1,12 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200002,1,0,1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200002,1,0,2 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200002,0,0,3 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200002,0,0,46 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200002,0,0,7 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200002,0,1,8 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200002,0,0,9

    SELECT *

    from @numbers myAlias

    LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM (select ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by number,am_sw order by number,sequence_number) As RW,


    FROM @numbers) innertbl WHERE RW > 7) x

    ON myAlias.number = x.number and myAlias.am_sw = x.am_sw

    WHERE x.number is null


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Here's another possible solution.

    SELECT number

    FROM @numbers n1

    WHERE am_sw = 1

    AND 7 = ( SELECT COUNT(*)

    FROM @numbers n2

    WHERE n2.number = n1.number

    AND n2.cc_sw = 0

    AND n2.sequence_number > n1.sequence_number

    AND n2.sequence_number <= n1.sequence_number + 7)

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • And another possible method:-)

    select i.number

    from @numbers i

    where am_sw = 1

    and not exists (

    SELECT 1 cc_sw_sum

    FROM @numbers ca

    WHERE i.number = ca.number

    and ca.sequence_number - i.sequence_number between 0 and 7

    and cc_sw = 1


  • You guys are awesome! Just please tell me you've had to deal with this before and that is why you came up with a solution so quickly :-P.

    Thanks for the quick responses. I'm going to try both and see what I come up with.

  • Here's a SQL Server 2012 version


    SELECT number,


    MAX(cc_sw) OVER (PARTITION BY number

    ORDER BY sequence_number ASC


    ) AS max_cc_sw

    FROM @numbers)

    SELECT number


    WHERE am_sw=1

    AND max_cc_sw = 0;


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum

  • rossnruthie (5/30/2013)

    You guys are awesome! Just please tell me you've had to deal with this before and that is why you came up with a solution so quickly :-P.

    Thanks for the quick responses. I'm going to try both and see what I come up with.

    You're welcome.

    I had a bit more of a play with this to see to what happens when you ramp up the number of rows. I used the following to generate a randomly populated table with a 20% chance of generating a flag for am_sw and 10% for cc_sw


    CREATE TABLE #numbers (number INT, am_sw INT, cc_sw INT, sequence_number INT)

    DECLARE @i int = 201200000

    WHILE @i <= 201400000


    INSERT #numbers(number, am_sw, cc_sw,sequence_number)

    SELECT TOP (5 + CAST((RAND(CAST(NEWID() AS varbinary)) * 15) AS INT)) @i, am_sw, cc_sw, n

    FROM Tally n


    SELECT CASE WHEN RAND(CAST(NEWID() AS varbinary)) > 0.8 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END am_sw

    ,CASE WHEN RAND(CAST(NEWID() AS varbinary)) > 0.9 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END cc_sw) a

    SET @i = @i + 1


    CREATE INDEX IDX1 ON #numbers(am_sw) include (number, sequence_number)

    CREATE INDEX IDX2 ON #numbers(cc_sw, number, sequence_number)

    This generated about 2.4 million rows for me. The indexes seem to be the best I could come up with, but should probably be investigated a bit more.

    Some of the sequences generated are not likely to fit the behavior of your data, but have raised a couple of questions for me.

    Are you likely to have rows that have both am_sw and cc_sw set to 1? Does this cause an exclusion? My query will exclude it.

    Should the following sequence be excluded or included? Sequence 9 causes my query to include the number

    number am_sw cc_sw sequence_number

    ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------------

    201200000 1 0 1

    201200000 0 0 2

    201200000 1 0 3

    201200000 0 0 4

    201200000 0 1 5

    201200000 0 0 6

    201200000 0 0 7

    201200000 0 0 8

    201200000 1 0 9

    201200000 0 0 10

    Do you want a distinct list of numbers. My query will report the following three times

    number am_sw cc_sw sequence_number

    ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------------

    201200001 1 0 1

    201200001 0 0 2

    201200001 1 0 3

    201200001 0 0 4

    201200001 0 0 5

    201200001 1 0 6

    201200001 0 0 7

    201200001 0 0 8

    201200001 0 0 9

  • Thanks for the reply Micky. I actually tested the methods given and found the following.

    Method 1 (Luis) seems to work the best in my situation. However, it would return a false positive where the am_sw was flagged as well as the cc_sw in the same record that then had 7 consecutive non cc's. This is something method 2 (Micky) excludes by default and it is the behavior I want. This was more my fault for not specifying this logic piece and was corrected by adding AND cc_sw = 0 in the SELECT

    Method 2(Micky) works well for the most part but will return a false positive where it finds a record with the am_sw flagged and less the 7 records following it.

    Method 3 (Mark) works just as Method 2 in terms of results.

    Duplicates appeared in all methods but is not a problem.

    DECLARE @numbers TABLE (number INT, am_sw INT, cc_sw INT, sequence_number INT)

    INSERT @numbers(number, am_sw, cc_sw,sequence_number)

    SELECT 201200001,1,0,1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,1,2 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,3 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,1,0,4 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,5 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,6 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,7 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,8 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,9 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,10 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,0,11 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200001,0,1,12 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200002,1,0,1 UNION ALL------|Only 6 Numbers (Should Not Be Returned)

    SELECT 201200002,1,0,2 UNION ALL------|Returned in Method 2,3

    SELECT 201200002,0,0,3 UNION ALL------|

    SELECT 201200002,0,0,4 UNION ALL------|

    SELECT 201200002,0,0,5 UNION ALL------|

    SELECT 201200002,0,0,6 UNION ALL------|

    SELECT 201200003,1,0,1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200003,0,0,2 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200003,0,0,3 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200003,0,0,4 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200003,0,0,5 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200003,0,0,6 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200003,0,0,7 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200003,0,1,8 UNION ALL

    SELECT 201200003,0,0,9

    --//METHOD 1

    SELECT number

    FROM @numbers n1

    WHERE am_sw = 1

    AND cc_sw = 0

    AND7 = ( SELECT COUNT(*)

    FROM @numbers n2

    WHERE n2.number = n1.number

    AND n2.cc_sw = 0

    AND n2.sequence_number > n1.sequence_number

    AND n2.sequence_number <= n1.sequence_number + 7)

    --//METHOD 2

    select i.number

    from @numbers i

    where am_sw = 1

    and not exists (

    SELECT 1 cc_sw_sum

    FROM @numbers ca

    WHERE i.number = ca.number

    and ca.sequence_number - i.sequence_number between 0 and 7

    and cc_sw = 1

    ) ;

    --//METHOD 3


    SELECT number,


    MAX(cc_sw) OVER (PARTITION BY number

    ORDER BY sequence_number ASC


    ) AS max_cc_sw

    FROM @numbers)

    SELECT number


    WHERE am_sw=1

    AND max_cc_sw = 0;

  • rossnruthie (5/30/2013)


    Method 2(Micky) works well for the most part but will return a false positive where it finds a record with the am_sw flagged and less the 7 records following it.

    Method 3 (Mark) works just as Method 2 in terms of results.

    Duplicates appeared in all methods but is not a problem.


    You can alter my method to the following. I think it could possibly be done better, but I'm running a bit short on time now.

    select i.number

    from #numbers i

    where am_sw = 1

    and not exists (

    SELECT 1

    FROM #numbers ca

    WHERE i.number = ca.number

    and ca.sequence_number - i.sequence_number between 0 and 7

    and cc_sw = 1


    and exists (

    SELECT 1

    FROM #numbers cn

    WHERE i.number = cn.number

    and cn.sequence_number - 7 = i.sequence_number)

    As well as the indexes mentioned before, you will need an index like the following

    CREATE INDEX IDX3 ON #numbers(number, sequence_number )

  • I'm glad it worked almost fine and even more glad that you tested the code before using it. 🙂

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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