WHERE clause

  • I am trying to write a where clause that tests for a string which may or may not contain a specific character. Specifically, I need to check if the string is '%', and if not I need to search for a match to the string that may or may not contain a /. The format of the string will always be AAA(space OR slash)AAAA. I was thinking something like the following, but that obviously doesn't work. Any suggestions?



    when @directed = '%' THEN '%'

    when @directed != '%' THEN (('%' + @directed + '%') OR ('%' + REPLACE(@directed ,'','/') + '%'))


  • Mark Harley (5/28/2013)

    I am trying to write a where clause that tests for a string which may or may not contain a specific character. Specifically, I need to check if the string is '%', and if not I need to search for a match to the string that may or may not contain a /. The format of the string will always be AAA(space OR slash)AAAA. I was thinking something like the following, but that obviously doesn't work. Any suggestions?



    when @directed = '%' THEN '%'

    when @directed != '%' THEN (('%' + @directed + '%') OR ('%' + REPLACE(@directed ,'','/') + '%'))


    You are trying to use a case expression to conditionally change the structure of the query. You can't use a where clause like that.

    You might want to take a look at this article from Gail.



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    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
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  • Wouldn't the following work?

    WHERE Directed LIKE '%' + REPLACE(@Directed, '/', '[ /]') + '%'

    If the @Directed variable is '%', the comparison is to '%%%', functionally equivalent to '%'

    If the @Directed variable is 'AAA/AAAA', the comparison is '%AAA[ /]AAAA%' and the percent signs won't really matter, but the [ /] stands for either a space or slash.

    If it is possible for the @Directed variable to have either a space or a slash, then a second REPLACE function to catch the other option is needed:

    WHERE Directed LIKE '%' + REPLACE(REPLACE(@Directed, '/', '[ /]'), ' ', '[ /]') + '%'

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