concatenation breaks when using different datatype

  • HI,

    I have a table, SampleNums, containing a couple of int columns that I need to concatenate into one column. When the columns are stored as varchar datatype my below ddl works, but when I recreate the SampleNums table with num1 and num2 as int columns, the concatenation doesn't work.

    create table SampleNums


    SomeID int

    , num1 varchar(4) null

    , num2 varchar(4) null


    insert into SampleNums


    (1, 858, 621),

    (2, 597, 425),

    (3, 683, 840),

    (4, NULL, 333),

    (5, 444, NULL);

    select * from SampleNums

    --drop table SampleNums;



    , NewNum = case

    when cast(num1 as varchar(10)) is null then NUM2

    when cast(num2 as varchar(10)) is null then NUM1

    else cast(num1 as varchar(10)) + '.' + cast(num2 as varchar(4))


    from SampleNums


    select '1', '858.621' UNION ALL

    select '2','597.425' UNION ALL

    select '3', '683.840' UNION ALL

    select '4', '333' UNION ALL

    select '5', '444'

    but with everything the same, except that Num1 and Num2 have int datatypes (use drop ddl and run create sequence again with datatype int) I get this error:

    --with datatype as int

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

    Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '858.621' to data type int.

    Also, if I recreate and change datatypes to numeric, I get the following output. It is strange that line 1 and 3 have increased in value by 1:

    --with datatype as numeric

    select '1', '859' UNION ALL

    select '2','597' UNION ALL

    select '3', '684' UNION ALL

    select '4', '333' UNION ALL

    select '5', '444'

    I would like conditional statements to work regardless of int/numeric/varchar datatype. Why, when I am handling for the string concatenation using CAST is it breaking? How to fix? Thanks!!!!

  • The 858.621 value is not an int value should be cast with decimal or numeric.

  • sounds like a paraphrase of error message. I don't get your point.

    There's an int I've cast as varchar so that I can concatenate with '.' and num2 which I've also cast as varchar..

    If I missed some insight please elaborate.

  • Change your query like below



    , NewNum = case

    when cast(num1 as varchar(10)) is null then cast(num2 as varchar(10))

    when cast(num2 as varchar(10)) is null then cast(num1 as varchar(10))

    else cast(num1 as varchar(10)) + '.' + cast(num2 as varchar(10))


    from SampleNums

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • I mean when you change the datatype of num1 or num2 from varchar to int, it will not parse the value 858.621 because the int will not hold decimal places. so giving the error you mentioned.

    What exactly you are trying to achieve, because your desired output is already coming from your first query. (i.e. num1 or num2 with varchar datatype)

  • Thank you Kingston. Missed converting those two column references to varchar.

  • Bhaskar, thanks for input. I think the problem in this case was that I am concatenating a string value ie. '.' with a different datatype and everything has to be the same data type before it can be concatenated.

    I just didn't catch all the areas in which I needed to make the conversion, and Kingston pointed that out to me.

  • KoldCoffee (5/23/2013)

    I think the problem in this case was that I am concatenating a string value ie. '.' with a different datatype and everything has to be the same data type before it can be concatenated.

    No. That was not the problem.

    You query previously looked like this



    , NewNum = case

    when cast(num1 as varchar(10)) is null then NUM2 -- This gives an INT

    when cast(num2 as varchar(10)) is null then NUM1 -- This again gives an INT

    else cast(num1 as varchar(10)) + '.' + cast(num2 as varchar(4)) -- This will give a VARCHAR


    from SampleNums

    The column "NewNum" in your result can have only one data type( either INT or VARCHAR )

    SQL Server tries to convert all values to INT based on precedence and errors out when it tries to convert the VARCHAR value '858.621' to INT data type.

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

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