• Is SQL becoming outdated soon ??? AS new LINQ is all around us....

    Do we have to learn LINQ for future programming or having knowledge and experience in SQL is enough!!!

  • Apples and Oranges. LINQ is an application programming technology that allows us to abstract the querying of "things" in a generic way. SQL is for interacting with data in relational databases.

    There are many implementations of LINQ-to-"things", e.g. LINQ-to-XML, LINQ-to-Objects, and Microsoft even developed a LINQ-implementation called LINQ-to-SQL that allowed us to use LINQ syntax to interact with SQL Server. As far as I know Microsoft halted development of LINQ-to-SQL sometime between when SQL 2005 and 2008 were released in favor of furthering the Entity Framework. I only know this because some .NET developers I turned on to table-valued parameters (TVPs) were heavy into LINQ-to-SQL but reported it did not natively support TVPs (which came out in SQL 2008). They added a wrapper to their LINQ-to-SQL library to gain use of TVPs and were very happy with them.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Apples and Oranges is right as they are indeed different but don't let that stop you picking it up if you'd like to as it is pretty much "data access" technology as well. I believe you would need to know LINQ if you ever decided to write StreamInsight applications, for example.

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